These are the boards, commissions and agencies that are a part of the Government of Saskatchewan. Many of these organizations report through a ministry or directly to a minister. They are specialized and have unique roles within the government.
Agri-Food Council
The Agri-Food Council is an independent board that supervises and monitors all agri-food agencies in Saskatchewan.
Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
The Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act 1999 authorizes the Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission to manage the Apprenticeship and Trade Certification system.
Athletics Commission of Saskatchewan
The Athletics Commission of Saskatchewan (ACS)provides licensing, event permits and oversight for professional combative sports events in Saskatchewan.
Automobile Injury Appeal Commission
The Automobile Injury Appeal Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial administrative tribunal responsible for hearing no fault benefits appeals under the Personal Injury Protection Plan administered by Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).
Board of Revenue Commissioners
The Board of Revenue Commissioners has the power to hear and determine appeals respecting taxes imposed or assessed pursuant to and by virtue of any taxing enactment and respecting other monies claimed to be due and payable to the Crown where the right of taking appeal to the Board is given by any statute.
Bureau of Statistics
The Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics operates under the Saskatchewan Statistics Act 1972 and is located within the Ministry of Finance. The Bureau is the designated focal point for communications with Statistics Canada and dissemination of its information.
Community Initiatives Fund
The Community Initiatives Fund is a Special Purpose Fund created through The Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Act. CIF receives a portion of the net revenues from Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw and distributes those proceeds to support community-based projects throughout Saskatchewan.
Creative Saskatchewan
Creative Saskatchewan invests in entrepreneurs who choose to pursue commercial success in screen-based media, music, publishing, live performing arts, fine craft & visual art, and digital media. The agency further supports these creative sectors by providing operational funding to seven industry associations, each of which is committed to expanding the economic impact of the creative industries.
Farm Land Security Board and Farm Ownership
The Farm Land Security Board is a quasi-judicial tribunal whose members are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. It is funded and managed as part of the Ministry of Agriculture but does not take direction in its decision-making from the government.
Heritage Review Board
The Heritage Review Board provides a platform for public objections to proposed designations, repeals, alteration, or demolition of designated property.
Highway Traffic Board
The Highway Traffic Board is an independent quasi-judicial administrative tribunal responsible for hearing appeals for a number of programs administered by Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), as well as administering other transportation regulatory functions.
Justices of the Peace Compensation Commission
The Commission is established every four years under the The Justices of the Peace Act, 1988 in order to conduct an independent, objective review of salaries, benefits and pensions for Justices of the Peace.
Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan
The Commission’s purpose is to review the law in Saskatchewan with a view to its systematic modernization and simplification.
Legal Aid Saskatchewan
The mission of Legal Aid Saskatchewan is to "promote access to justice for eligible persons through the provision of quality legal assistance." Legal Aid Saskatchewan is governed by the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission which was created through the provincial Legal Aid Act.
Municipal Finance Corporation
Municipal Financing Corporation of Saskatchewan (MFC) assists in making capital funds available for the financing of sewer and water, school, hospital, and other essential construction and local improvement projects by municipalities, school divisions and health districts.
Office of Disability Issues
The Office of Disability Issues (ODI), hosted by the Ministry of Social Services, provides leadership and works with other government ministries, the disability community and the public to help work toward making Saskatchewan the best place to live in Canada for people with disabilities.
Office of Residential Tenancies
Information for landlords and tenants on their rights and responsibilities, and dispute resolution for claims up to $30,000 and possession orders.
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee is responsible for protecting the interests of vulnerable people.
Physician Recruitment Agency of Saskatchewan
saskdocs is a one stop shop for physicians and their families wanting to live and work in Saskatchewan Canada. Also known as the Physician Recruitment Agency of Saskatchewan, we work in partnership with students, medical trainees, physicians, international medical graduates, communities, health facilities and other partners to help find the right physician for the right community.
Plannera Pensions and Benefits (formerly the Public Employees Benefits Agency [PEBA])
Effective January 1, 2024, PEBA transitioned to a non-profit called Plannera Pensions and Benefits. Public pension or benefit plan information is available by visiting the Plannera website or by calling 306-787-2684.
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan
The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan serves as the provincial agency responsible for acquiring preserving and making available records of significance to the history of the Province of Saskatchewan.
Provincial Capital Commission
The Provincial Capital Commission's mandate is to enhance quality of life for our citizens through the celebration and creation of opportunities, stewardship of the land, and engagement of our youth about our democracy and provincial history. The Commission also promotes, preserves and strengthens our diverse heritage and culture to ensure that Saskatchewan’s Capital City is a source of provincial pride and significance.
Provincial Mediation Board
The Provincial Mediation Board strives to help debtors and creditors reach an amicable arrangement for payment of debt without resorting to legal proceedings.
Public and Private Rights Board
Find out how the Public and Private Rights Board assists with mediation in disputes between landowners and expropriating authorities.
Public Disclosure Committee
Learn more about this committee's role in advising police on whether to release information about dangerous offenders who are returning to the community.
Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission is the central human resource agency for the Government of Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Arts Board
The Saskatchewan Arts Board provides funding and support to the arts for the benefit of all people in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Coroners Service
The Saskatchewan Coroners Service is responsible for the investigation of all sudden, unexpected and unnatural deaths in order to improve the health, safety, and quality of life of the citizens of our province.
Saskatchewan Firearms Office
The Saskatchewan Firearms Office is responsible for supporting safe communities by managing the ownership, purchase, movement and use of firearms within the province through the administration of federal firearms legislation.
Saskatchewan Health Quality Council
Saskatchewan Health Quality Council (HQC) works with care providers, governments, research institutes to improve quality of health care in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF)
The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) funds the work of researchers, supports efforts that grow the province's research enterprise, and promotes knowledge that results from health research.
Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation
The Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation provides grants to individuals, community groups, municipalities and corporations working to preserve our heritage.
Saskatchewan Higher Education Quality Assurance Board
The Saskatchewan Higher Education Quality Assurance Board is authorized by The Degree Authorization Act to oversee a quality assurance review of institutions seeking degree-granting status in Saskatchewan. The quality assurance review process ensures that new degree programs in Saskatchewan meet high quality standards that promote the recognition of Saskatchewan graduates both nationally and internationally for their academic achievements.
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC)
Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) promotes and protects the individual dignity, fundamental freedoms and equal rights of Saskatchewan citizens.
Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board
The Board administers The Trade Union Act, The Construction Industry Labour Relations Act, 1992 and The Health Labour Relations Reorganization Act and The Public Service Essential Services Act. These laws apply to most unionized employees in Saskatchewan. They do not generally apply to non-unionized employees or to employees, unionized or otherwise, of companies which fall under federal jurisdiction such as telecommunications companies or airlines.
Saskatchewan Lotteries System
Through an agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan, proceeds from Saskatchewan Lotteries are dedicated to sport, culture and recreation organizations to benefit communities throughout the province.
Saskatchewan Municipal Board
The Saskatchewan Municipal Board (SMB) is an administrative tribunal that deals with issues from local authorities. Additionally, the SMB serves as the Board of Revenue Commissioners (BRC).
Saskatchewan Pension Plan
Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP or "The Plan") is a voluntary, money purchase plan for people who want an easy way to accumulate funds for retirement. It truly is meant to be your plan, so that it fits your personal situation.
Saskatchewan Police Commission
The Saskatchewan Police Commission works with police services and boards of police commissioners to promote effective policing throughout the province.
Saskatchewan Provincial Court Commission
The Commission is established every three years under The Provincial Court Act, 1998 in order to conduct an independent, objective review of salaries, benefits and pensions for Provincial Court judges.
Saskatchewan Public Complaints Commission
The Public Complaints Commission (PCC) is a five-person, non-police body appointed by the Saskatchewan Government that investigates complaints made against municipal police.
Saskatchewan Review Board
The Saskatchewan Review Board helps to determine if an individual accused of a crime is not criminally responsible or is unfit to stand trial by reason of mental disorder.
Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team
The Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team is an independent, civilian-led organization responsible for investigating serious incidents involving police officers in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association
The Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association, a provincial non-profit organization, has been the designated trail manager for Saskatchewan’s snowmobile trail system since the Trail Fund was established in 1999. The SSA’s primary responsibility is to maintain the trail system and promote safe, responsible snowmobiling.
Saskatchewan-Ukraine Relations
Learn more about the relationship and citizen group, the Saskatchewan-Ukraine Relations Advisory Committee (SURAC). This group offers advice to the government on initiatives that enhance business opportunities and cultural ties with Ukraine.
Status of Women Office
The Status of Women Office acts as a catalyst within government to raise awareness of issues affecting women to ensure gender considerations are integrated into government policy-making, legislation and program development.
Surface Rights Board of Arbitration
The Surface Rights Board of Arbitration is used as a last resort when a landowner or occupant and an oil/gas or potash operator are unable to reach an agreement for surface access to private land and related compensation.
Teachers' Superannuation Commission
The main purposes of the Teachers' Superannuation Commission are to: Administer The Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Act and Regulations; Process disability claims; Monitor investments of superannuation funds; Administer The Teachers' Life Insurance (Government Contributory) Act, and; Administer The Teachers' Dental Plan Act.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Wanuskewin Heritage Park operates under the leadership and guidance of First Nations people, who work to increase public awareness, understanding and appreciation for the evolving cultures of the Northern Plains Indigenous peoples.
Western Development Museum
The Western Development Museum is the largest human history museum in Saskatchewan with a collection of over 75,000 artifacts. It tells the Saskatchewan story from the beginning of settlement to present day. Each location showcases a different story of Saskatchewan history - transportation in Moose Jaw, farm and rural life in North Battleford, 1910 Boomtown in Saskatoon and the stories of immigrants to the province in Yorkton.
Workers Compensation Board
Workers Compensation Board are the provincial agency that delivers workplace insurance to Saskatchewan employers and benefits to Saskatchewan workers when they are hurt at work.