Information, forms and resources are available to support education professionals as they continue to put Saskatchewan students first.
Certified Independent Schools
Find information on the criteria, benefits and how to apply for designation as a Certified Independent School in Saskatchewan.
Counsel for Children Program
Learn about the Counsel for Children program as it relates to children and youth and the lawyers who may represent them in child protection proceedings.
Education Property Tax System
Learn about the education property tax (EPT) system.
Odyssey French Language Assistant Program
Learn more about the role of language assistants in schools.
PreK-12 Provincial School Division Funding
Find information on reports and manuals for the distribution of school division funding.
Provincial K-12 Enrolment Reports
Find reports and information about Saskatchewan K-12 enrolment by school division type and grade.
Qualified Independent Schools
Find information on how to apply for designation as a Qualified Independent School.
Registered Independent Schools
Find information on the criteria, benefits and how to register an independent school in the province.
Registrar's Handbook for School Administrators
School administrators forms and documents on provincial examination and student services programs.
Reporting of Teacher Misconduct or Incompetence
Learn who to contact when reporting teacher misconduct and incompetence.
School Division Infrastructure
Programs are available to assist school divisions in keeping their schools and facilities in a good condition.
Student Records Information
School Divisions can access the Student Data System for Student Cumulative, Tracking and Assessment Records.
Student Wellness and Well-being
Ensuring Saskatchewan students are safe and supported at school and in their communities.
Supports for English as an Additional Language
Learn about the support and resources available to school divisions for learners with English as an Additional Language needs.