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Workers' Compensation for Post-Secondary Students

Effective July 1, 2021, the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) and the Ministry of Advanced Education entered into an Agreement to extend workers' compensation coverage to eligible post-secondary students undertaking unpaid work-integrated learning assignments. The Agreement has a five-year term and outlines the coverage eligibility criteria pursuant to this arrangement.

All host organizations/employers must be registered with the WCB.

In order for students to have valid workers' compensation coverage, a signed and completed Consents and Waiver of Liability form must be submitted to the program administrator at their post-secondary institution prior to commencing any work-integrated learning assignments. This responsibility falls on both the post-secondary institutions and the students, and a single Consents and Waiver of Liability form shall extend coverage for the entire length of all eligible programs. By signing the Consents and Waiver of Liability form, eligible students agree to accept workers' compensation coverage per the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which includes waiving the right to sue. Please visit the WCB website for coverage details, claims, submission procedures and reporting forms.

Eligible Institutions (Schedule "A")

Students registered with any of the following Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions, who pursue a work-integrated learning assignment in Saskatchewan, are eligible for workers' compensation coverage pursuant to this Agreement.

  • University of Regina
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • Carlton Trail College
  • Cumberland College
  • Great Plains College
  • Lakeland College
  • Northlands College
  • North West College
  • Parkland College
  • Southeast College
  • Gabriel Dumont Institute, including its subsidiaries: Dumont Technical Institute, Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program and Gabriel Dumont College
  • Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
  • Campion College
  • First Nations University of Canada
  • Luther College
  • St. Thomas More College
  • Briercrest College and Seminary
  • College of Emmanuel and St. Chad
  • Horizon College and Seminary
  • Lutheran Theological Seminary
  • St. Andrew's College
  • St. Peter's College

Eligible Interprovincial Agreement Programs (Schedule "B")

The Government of Saskatchewan holds several inter-provincial agreements in order to reserve seats for Saskatchewan students in out-of-province programs that are not currently offered in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan students occupying reserved seats as part of the inter-provincial agreements with the following programs are eligible for workers' compensation coverage pursuant to this Agreement while they are engaged in a work-integrated learning assignment in Saskatchewan.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Nuclear Medicine Technology, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Respiratory Therapy, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Cardiovascular Perfusion, British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Electro-Neurophysiology, British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Orthotics and Prosthetics, British Columbia Institute of Technology
  • Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta

Community-Based Organizations

Individuals pursuing unpaid work-integrated learning with community based organizations are covered under the terms and conditions of an MOU between Ministry of Immigration and Career Training and the WCB. Should participants have any questions or concerns, please contact the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training at 1-833-613-0485.

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