Find business opportunities; access the tendering system SaskTenders; become a registered supplier, to bid on communications and print projects; and, find policies and procedures for tendering activities.
Crown Lands are available for lease and sale in order to manage them in a sustainable fashion.
Access solutions to issues you may be experiencing when using or setting up your Saskatchewan Account.
The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement has developed an inventory of training courses that provides a very good starting point in any practitioners procurement education. These courses provide a mix of theory and practical examples in applying a best value approach to procurement.
The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement has a library of documents that provide assistance to public entities entering in to a procurement. These documents include procurement policies, guides, competition templates and related guides as well as information on conducting Vendor Performance ratings.
Submit an application to lease Crown resource lands, which may be used under a lease, permit, easement or licence that allow the legal use of the land.
Submit an application to purchase Crown resource lands, which may be used under a lease, permit, easement or licence that allow the legal use of land.
Business development and expansion information for provincial parks.
SaskBuilds and Procurement's Community Donations program provides community organizations across Saskatchewan with the chance to receive used government office furniture and equipment free of charge.
Become a registered supplier to bid on communications, print, website and advertising agency projects or contracts posted by the Government of Saskatchewan, its Crown corporations and agencies.
The Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) is an online business system that supports the development and regulation of Saskatchewan's energy and resources industry. Through IRIS, the oil and gas industry completes regularly performed business activities and regulatory tasks with the province online.
Organizations that offer training programs are required to register as a private vocational school with the Ministry of Advanced Education.
The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement sells surplus vehicles and other Government equipment. Sales are held on a monthly basis, and the public is invited to view all items up for sale.
SaskTenders is your window to public sector purchasing in Saskatchewan. Businesses can review and bid on all posted tenders from the provincial government and municipal governments, as well as the Crown, health and education sectors.
Information to help vendors understand and train their staff on the Ministry of Social Services Requisition for Goods and Services process.