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Cannabis Use in Saskatchewan

The decision to legalize cannabis was made by the federal government, but provinces and territories have the responsibility of regulating certain areas.

To read more about the Government of Canada's legalization plan, you can visit Health Canada's The Cannabis Act: The Facts website.


1. Saskatchewan’s Responsibilities and Framework

Saskatchewan's Cannabis Framework reflects how the Government of Saskatchewan plans to regulate cannabis, incorporating feedback from experts, stakeholders and Saskatchewan residents.

You can download the results from the public survey and download Saskatchewan's Cannabis Framework for more information.

Cannabis Rules in Saskatchewan


2. Age Limit and Possession Limits

Age Limit
Saskatchewan's legal age of consumption and purchasing for non-medicinal cannabis is 19 years of age (the same as alcohol).

Possession Limit
In Saskatchewan, the maximum public possession amount is 30 grams per legal-aged consumer.

Minors are prohibited from possessing cannabis. Possession of less than five grams is a provincial offence and can result in a fine. Possessing more than five grams can result in a criminal prosecution that is subject to The Youth Criminal Justice Act.


3. Impaired Driving

Cannabis can slow down your reaction time and increase your chance of a crash. If you use cannabis, it's important that you do not drive. If you drive while impaired, you will be charged.

A driver who has used cannabis won't react or make decisions as quickly as a sober driver. Attention, judgment, motor skills, balance, and co-ordination are all impacted. Mixing drugs or mixing drugs with alcohol can significantly increase impairment levels.

Saskatchewan has taken a zero tolerance approach for drugs and driving. For more information, you can visit the Cannabis and Driving section of

In addition, consumption in a vehicle by a driver or passenger is prohibited.


4. Public Consumption, Land Use and/or Zoning

Consuming cannabis in public places is prohibited for public health considerations. To learn more, visit the Cannabis and Second-Hand Smoke section.

Municipalities already have broad authority through bylaw, land use and zoning, and business licensing to deal with a variety of business-related issues, including where businesses can be located. They can decide how best to use this authority regarding cannabis wholesalers/distributors and retailers.


5. Home Cultivation

The Government of Saskatchewan has adopted the federal minimum standards around home production, including a limit of four cannabis plants grown per household.

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act, 2018, gives landlords the right to impose reasonable rules prohibiting the possession, use, growth and sale of cannabis in a rental unit.

Condominium boards also have the ability to pass bylaws respecting the smoking or cultivation of cannabis in their complexes. For more information on how condominium boards regulate activities, please refer to the Condominium Fact Sheet for Bylaws.


6. Retail Sales

The Government of Saskatchewan was guided by four key principles in developing the wholesale, distribution, and retail sales model for non-medicinal cannabis in the province:

  • Protecting public health and safety, including keeping cannabis away from children and youth;
  • Eliminating the illegal market;
  • Minimizing taxpayer exposure to risk; and
  • Incorporating regulatory best practices and building on experiences from other jurisdictions.

Using feedback from public consultations, the Government concluded the four principles are best served by a competitive private model for the wholesale/distribution and retail sale of non-medicinal cannabis in Saskatchewan. This model minimizes the upfront cost to taxpayers. It has been successful in other jurisdictions in combating the illegal market. It protects public health and safety by ensuring a safe regulated supply of cannabis. The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) will act as the regulator. For more information, you can visit the SLGA website.

SLGA has established rules for retail stores to protect public health and safety, discourage excessive consumption, and keep non-medicinal cannabis out of the hands of children and youth. These rules include:

  • Restricting minors from entering retail stores;
  • Restricting the number of retail locations in the province; and
  • Requiring that all staff are of legal age and properly trained to provide information and education to customers.

SLGA may enforce these rules through stiff administrative penalties, and may suspend or revoke permits

Additionally, permittees may be charged with an offence under The Cannabis Control (Saskatchewan) Act and face and further penalties.


7. Provincial Offences and Fines

Below are the set* fines for cannabis related offences as per the The Cannabis Control (Saskatchewan) Act.
*Significant offences can result in higher penalties and/or imprisonment.

Minor purchasing cannabis, directly or indirectly $300
Minor possessing cannabis $300
Minor consuming cannabis $300
Minor selling cannabis to any other person or organization $300
Minor distributing cannabis to any other person or organization $300
Minor being or remaining in a permitted premises in contravention of The Cannabis Control (Saskatchewan) Act $300
Minor presenting false identification while attempting to purchase cannabis $300
Minor presenting false identification while attempting to gain access to or remain in permitted premises $300
Selling, giving or distributing cannabis to a minor $750
Failure of permittee (retailer) or employee of permittee to demand proof of age $2,250
Failure of person to leave premises after failing or refusing to provide proof of age $200
Knowingly providing a minor with false identification $750
Purchase of cannabis from a person who is not authorized to sell cannabis
All authorized cannabis sellers will be required to display their licence.
Request or solicit a person to sell cannabis in contravention of the Act or regulations $300
Possessing more than 30 grams of dried cannabis in a public place $200
Possessing cannabis the individual knows to be illicit $200
Possessing one or more budding or flowering cannabis plants in a public place $200
Possessing more than four cannabis plants that are not budding or flowering $200
Possession of cannabis by an organization $2,250
Possessing, consuming or distributing cannabis in a vehicle $300
Distributing more than 30 grams of cannabis in a public place $200
Distributing cannabis to an organization $200
Distributing cannabis the individual knows to be illicit $200
Distributing more than 4 cannabis plants that are not budding or flowering $2,250
Purchasing cannabis from a jurisdiction outside of Saskatchewan in contravention of the Act or regulations $300
Opening or breaking open or allowing opening or breaking of container or package of cannabis being transported or distributed $2,250
Consuming or permitting consumption of cannabis being transported or distributed $2,250
Consumption of cannabis in a public place, or any place other than a private place $200
Consumption of lighted or other cannabis in contravention of the regulations $200
Consumption of cannabis at school, on school grounds or at a child care facility $1,000
Possessing or consuming cannabis in a campground when a cannabis prohibition is in effect $200
Permittee selling or distributing cannabis to a person who appears to be intoxicated $2,250
Making an improper application for a permit $300
Permittee selling or distributing cannabis to a minor $2,250
Remaining in a premises after being requested to leave $300
Re-entering a premises after being requested to leave $300

8. Travelling with Cannabis

In Canada:

Cannabis laws are different in each province and territory in Canada. This includes legal age, where cannabis can be sold and consumed, and possession limits.

When travelling in Canada, it is your responsibility to understand and follow local laws. Check out provincial and territorial websites for more details:

Outside of Canada:

Although cannabis is legal in Canada, cannabis is illegal in most countries. It is illegal to transport cannabis across Canada's borders. The Government of Canada has important information you'll need to know before travelling.

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