File an Appeal Regarding Provincial Taxes
The Board of Revenue Commissioners (BRC) hears and decides appeals about taxes assessed by the province.
Below are the steps to file an appeal with the BRC.
1. Overview
The BRC hears and decides appeals regarding taxes assessed by the province.
The BRC also considers requests from Treasury Board for authorization to cancel, write-off or adjust money owed to the Government of Saskatchewan.
2. Guidance
If you've recently received a notice of assessment outlining taxes payable to the Government of Saskatchewan, and you don't agree with it, you may be able to appeal to the BRC.
You may appeal to the BRC for notices involving:
- any provincial tax you've been assessed;
- an estimate of any provincial tax and/or a request for payment of the estimate;
- royalties for Crown minerals; or
- taxes for mineral rights.
3. Eligibility
You may appeal to the BRC if:
- you have been assessed or received an estimate;
- you have an issue with the assessment or estimate;
- you've received the assessment or estimate within the last 30 days; and
- you submit a notice of appeal clearly explaining reasons for appealing, including relevant facts.
4. How to Apply
If you are eligible to apply:
- Complete the notice of appeal, including reasons.
- Submit your notice to the BRC:
- personally by emailing, submitting online or delivering; or
- by registered mail.
5. Apply
Notice of Appeal to the Board of Revenue Commissioners
- Step 1 (Saving file): Right-click on "Notice of Appeal to the Board of Revenue Commissioners" then select "Save Link as..." or "Save Target as..." and save the file to your computer.
- Step 2 (Opening file): Open the PDF using Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe®Reader®, version 8 or later.