Business Permits and Licences (BizPaL)
BizPaL is an online service that provides Canadian businesses with one-stop access to permit and licence information for all levels of government.
Electrical Licensing
Contact TSASK for a licence that applies to you as an electrician, electrical contractor or employer.
File an Appeal Regarding Provincial Taxes
Review the rules and procedures for filing an appeal about provincial taxes with the Board of Revenue Commissioners. Determine if you qualify to file an appeal.
Gas Licensing
Contact TSASK for a licence that applies to you as a gas-fitter, contractor or propane distributor.
Provincial Taxes, Policies and Bulletins
The Government of Saskatchewan’s taxation regime is designed to provide the financial resources to meet the Province’s responsibilities in funding public services such as health care and education.
Tax Incentives
Learn more about Saskatchewan’s tax incentives for corporations, designed to encourage business growth and investment in Saskatchewan