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Health and Health Care

Occupational health and safety (OHS) provides support and information to help identify hazards and prevent incidents that could cause illness, injury or death. Everyone in the workplace is legally responsible for safety.

Below are prevention tips and guidelines pertaining to health and the health care industry.


1. Audiometric Testing (Hearing Test) in Saskatchewan

Under The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, employers must arrange for audiometric testing (hearing tests) and counselling at least once every 24 months for workers who:

  • are regularly exposed, at work, to a daily noise level equal to, or greater than, 85 dBA Lex; or
  • regularly work in areas where noise levels are equal to or greater than 90 dBA.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan's Audiometric Testing in Saskatchewan Guide has information about requirements and recommendations for audiometric testing equipment, background noise levels in testing areas, calibration of audiometers and the handling of test results.


2. Emergency Showers and Eyewashes in the Workplace

Unanticipated events may bring workers into contact with corrosive and other harmful substances that can injure exposed skin or eyes.

Under The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, employers are required to have:

  • regular showers in a workplace where a worker's skin is regularly exposed to harmful or offensive substances;
  • emergency showers where workers can be quickly injured after substantial skin contamination by corrosive or other harmful substances; and
  • eyewashes where workers' eyes can be quickly injured by corrosive or other harmful substances.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan's Emergency Showers and Eyewashes guide helps employers determine if their workplace requires regular showers, emergency showers or eyewashes and provides information about the health and safety standards for emergency showers and eyewashes.


3. Eye Injury Prevention

Employers are required to supply approved eye and/or face protectors and ensure workers use them in workplaces where workers' eyes may become irritated or injured from flying particles, splashes, ultraviolent or infrared radiation.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan's Eye Injury Prevention Guide provides guidance to employers on how to prevent eye injuries within their workplaces and explains:

  • the risk factors;
  • when eye and face protection and other control measures are required;
  • how to choose suitable and approved eye and face protection, when required; and
  • how to recognize and treat eye injuries.

4. First Aid

Employers, contractors or owners must provide first aid training and have first aid supplies at their workplaces. The number of first aid attendants needed, the extent of first aid training, as well as the amount and types of first aid supplies required depend on the following factors:

  • the number of workers at the place of employment at any time; and
  • How hazardous the work is.

The employer, contractor or owner is required to have a competent person conduct a first aid risk assessment to determine the appropriate classification for the workplace. The classification will identify the minimum requirements for first aid supplies and equipment under the CSA standards.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan's publication First Aid in Saskatchewan Workplaces Guide provides information about the first aid requirements for Saskatchewan workplaces.


5. Musculoskeletal Injuries Prevention

A musculoskeletal injury (MSI) is an injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints, bones or supporting vasculature (blood vessels). This type of injury may be caused or aggravated by repetitive motions, forceful exertions, vibration, mechanical compression, sustained or awkward postures, limitations on motion or action, or any other ergonomic stressors.

The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, require an employer or contractor to regularly review, in consultation with the occupational health committee, activities that may cause or aggravate an MSI. Also, once a worker has reported an MSI, there is a requirement to review their job and to implement appropriate control measures to prevent further injury to this and other workers who may perform the same job/tasks.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan's Musculoskeletal Injuries Prevention Guide provides prevention methods for employers to use in their workplace.


6. Vaccinations for Employees

Under The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020, workers must be provided with a minimum of three consecutive hours of employer paid leave to be away from work to access a COVID-19 vaccination. Please refer to section 6-22.1 (Special Vaccination Leave).

A vaccination is a simple and effective way to prevent serious diseases or illnesses in workers who may be exposed to an infectious organism. Vaccinations are available for a number of infectious organisms that workers may be exposed to in the workplace.

In Saskatchewan, Section 6-22 of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 requires employers to:

  • inform workers who are required to handle, use or produce and infectious material or organism or who may be exposed to an infectious material or organism of any vaccinations recommended by:
    • the Canadian Immunization Guide; or
    • a medical health officer; or
    • other physician with expertise in immunization or the control of communicable diseases; and
  • inform workers of risks associated with taking these vaccinations.

With a worker's consent, arrange for the worker to receive these vaccinations during normal working hours and reimburse the worker for costs associated with receiving the vaccination. If the worker cannot receive the vaccination during their normal working hours, their time attending the appointment must be credited as time at work.

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