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Renseignements en Français

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Request Help with my WCB Claim

Injured Worker Appeal Services (IWAS) provides free legal advice and representation services for individuals with claims before the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). IWAS advocates are not lawyers but are specialized subject matter experts trained in administrative law and interpretation of WCB legislation, policies, procedures and the appeal process. In the course of IWAS work we can:

  • review your WCB claim and give advice on how to proceed;
  • explain the claim and appeal process;
  • assist you in preparing for an appeal, including analyzing legal issues, preparing arguments, assembling relevant evidence; and
  • provide representation at all levels of the appeal process including speaking to the WCB, providing written submissions, and representing clients at an appeal hearing.

Your WCB claim number must be filled in or you cannot submit this form.

Your Information


WCB Claim Details

Authorization to Release Medical Information Form

Important: If you don’t sign the medical form, you will not be assigned to an advocate.

Acceptable file formats include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg. Maximum file size is 10MB per file.

Drop files here or click to upload.

Applicant Declaration

If you have any questions regarding the declaration, please contact Injured Worker Appeal Services at 1-877-787-2456.

Claimant Terms of Agreement

I hereby request and authorize Injured Worker Appeal Services (IWAS) in Saskatchewan to assist me with my claim filed with the Workers’ Compensation Board of Saskatchewan (WCB).

I authorize the IWAS to:

  • Receive, store and review copies of all records, documents and other material in the possession of the WCB regarding my claim(s) as deemed necessary by IWAS.
  • Request and receive full disclosure of all records in the possession of any individual, business or other organization where the requested records, documents or other material are in the opinion of IWAS necessary to further my WCB claim.
  • Communicate directly with any individual, business or other organization concerning my claim for the purpose of furthering my WCB claim.

I have read the above and authorize IWAS to assist me with my claim filed with the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board. I understand that I can revoke this authorization in writing at any time.

I understand my personal information will be protected by safeguards, in accordance with The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and The Health Information Protection Act.

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