Canada-Saskatchewan Rapid Response Teams are a partnership between the provincial and federal government.
Rapid Response Teams provide support services for businesses and workers affected by production slowdowns or layoffs.
Each team is assembled to address the particular needs of the employer and affected workers.
Rapid Response Teams offer individualized, targeted support for employers and workers. This includes providing information about programs, services and benefits available to assist them. Information may include:
- General information about the federal Work-Sharing program to help maintain workers during a temporary slowdown;
- Labour standards advice;
- A description of the Employment Insurance process, what you need and what you need to know;\
- Training plan development for workers to gain skills and boost productivity;
- Advice about helping workers prepare for career transitions;
- Access to, where you can apply for jobs or post job ads for free;
- Career services available, such as: job searching, job matching, career planning, and job training supports; and
- Information for immigrant workers.
Further Information
Employers should contact:
SaskJobs – Employer Services
Workers should contact:
SaskJobs – Career Services