Woodland caribou-related data are available to view on the Hunting, Angling and Biodiversity Information of Saskatchewan (HABISask) online map viewer, and can be downloaded through the Government of Saskatchewan GeoHub website. You must create a username and password to access data from HABISask.
Available woodland caribou data include:
- Saskatchewan woodland caribou ranges and administrative units;
- Caribou habitat management areas for SK2 West, SK2 Central and SK2 East; and
- Woodland caribou habitat potential in the boreal plain (SK2) and boreal shield (SK1).
The woodland caribou range assessment program incorporates partnered research to help determine the status of woodland caribou populations and habitat and provide important data for range planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Research projects are examining population status, structure and distribution, and habitat availability and use. This will be accomplished through a combination of tools:
- Genetic analysis;
- Animal collaring;
- Direct observation;
- Landscape level mapping;
- Identifying the level of human-caused and fire disturbance in the boreal forest; and
- Documenting traditional and local knowledge.