Environment Business Services
Welcome to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment's online business service – a streamlined, 24/7 approach to getting work done. Just like online banking, the online service provides a centralized record of all your activities. You can view and manage your work from anywhere at any time. Submitting notifications, permit applications and reports is easier than ever.
1. Guidance
Use the following guides to help you navigate the Environment Business Services portal:
- An organization wishes to disable a stakeholder
- A Summary of the Various Portal Roles
- Climate change output based performance standard - registration
- Climate change output based performance standard - baseline
- Corrective action plan submission
- Creation and registration of parent and child organizations
- Frequently asked questions regarding qualified persons application
- How do I see what documents are inside a submission?
- Hydrostatic testing submission
- Impacted sites fund application
- Individual submitting on behalf of multiple organizations
- Industrial source (air quality) submission
- Making a submission
- Managing your dashboard
- Navigating
- Organization administrator
- Project administrator
- Qualified person application
- Registering an organization
- Registering as an individual
- Stakeholder administrator
- Submitting a qualified person certification standard
2. Register
You must register as an individual before you can register your organization. In order to create a user account you will need a valid email address and personal contact information.
- Visit the Environment Business Services portal
- As you do not yet have an account, select "Create Your Account"
- This will take you to the "Create a User Account" page
- Enter the required information and select "Create User Account"
Once you have registered as an individual, you can then register an organization. Refer to the appropriate guide in Guidance section below for more information.
3. Sign-In
Registered users may sign in to Environment Business Services to administer accounts, submit notifications and perform other required tasks.
- Visit the Environment Business Services portal.
- Enter the Email Address and Password you registered with your account, and select Sign-in.
4. Further Information
For assistance or for more information about the Environment Business Services portal, please contact centre.inquiry@gov.sk.ca.