The Ministry of Environment is committed to ensuring stakeholders have the opportunity to help inform Saskatchewan’s climate policies, including Prairie Resilience, the Output-Based Performance Standards (OBPS) Program and the Saskatchewan Technology Fund.
Prairie Resilience
The Government of Saskatchewan engaged industry, academia, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and Indigenous communities on numerous occasions when developing the provincial climate change strategy, Prairie Resilience. Engagement included open plenary sessions, closed bilateral meetings and online webinars, as well as open invitations to provide written submissions.
Output-Based Performance Standards (OBPS) Program Review
The Ministry of Environment revised the OBPS Program to meet the requirements of the 2023-2030 federal carbon pricing benchmark. The ministry consulted industry, cross-ministry partners and the federal government, resulting in a revised program that covers more emissions, maintains technically achievable performance standards, and introduces a CCUS credit program. The links below provide more information about our engagement on the federal benchmark.
- Saskatchewan Output-Based Performance Standards Program 2023 Discussion Paper
- Amending Regulations and Standards for Saskatchewan’s OBPS Program
- Federal Benchmark webinar presentation
Saskatchewan Technology Fund
Regulated emitters were consulted on development of the technology fund through use of surveys and webinars, and through an industry advisory committee that played a key role in advising government on the design and governance of the fund. The fund’s first intake was announced in September 2023, with $25 million available to support emissions reduction projects across the province.