Saskatchewan's oil and gas industry is required to report volumetric, valuation, royalty/tax payer and some infrastructure data to the government.
This information is used to:
- Determine royalties and taxes
- Manage the province's oil and gas reservoirs; and
- Monitor and enforce regulatory compliance
Business Associates (BA) must complete this reporting in Petrinex. A BA is an individual or company that conducts oil and gas activities with the Government of Saskatchewan through the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) and/or Petrinex.
What to report through Petrinex
- Volumetric data: Reporting of volumetric data is required for a well or facility, and must identify the activity, product and volume. It can be submitted either manually online or as a batch upload to Petrinex.
- Valuation: Valuation is used for the purposes of calculating Crown Royalty and Freehold Production Tax owing on crude oil produced from Saskatchewan wells or units.
- Infrastructure: Infrastructure information for individual wells and facilities is required to ensure volumetric and valuation information can be properly allocated and reported.
- Royalty/Tax Payer (RTP) information: The RTP Operator is required to provide the following information for each well event, unit or injection facility:
- BA code identifier of each RTP
- BA code identifier of each Working Interest Owner (WIO) that isn't an RTP
- The mineral ownership type and the portion the BA is responsible for as either an RTP or non-royalty/tax payer WIO
RTP information is only required for those injection facilities that recover crude oil (RCO).
The information is submitted monthly before deadlines outlined in Petrinex's reporting calendar.
The Government of Saskatchewan's oil and gas royalty/tax-related invoices are delivered electronically through Petrinex and IRIS.
Reporting Directives
Directive PNG032 - Volumetric, Valuation and Infrastructure Reporting
Summary of Information Reported to the ministry, through Petrinex, as per Directive PNG032
- Well Information and Status Changes
For all wells in Saskatchewan, industry must report the status of each well and update the status as needed.
- Facility Information
For all oil and gas facilities in Saskatchewan, industry must create an appropriate facility ID in Petrinex to facilitate monthly volumetric and valuation reporting. Industry must also update the status of each facility as needed.
- Volumetric Information
For every facility ID, each operator must report all monthly volumetric activities (and the applicable volumes) to the ministry, including production of oil and gas, receipts, deliveries, inventories, venting, flaring, etc.
- Waste Plant Volumetric Information
For every waste plant facility ID, each operator must report all monthly volumetric activities (and the applicable volumes) to the ministry, including, receipts, deliveries, inventories, fuel, etc.
- Oil Pipeline Splits
Operators of Saskatchewan facilities, must submit to the ministry, the BA IDs of the owners and purchasers of Saskatchewan oil (as well as the applicable volume) in order to facilitate the generation of oil valuation records.
- Oil Valuation
Sellers of Saskatchewan oil must report the price received and the volume sold. Purchasers of Saskatchewan oil must report the price paid and volume purchased.
- Gas Valuation
Saskatchewan gas plant operators as well as gas marketers must submit to the ministry details of sales and purchases of gas.
- Royalty/Tax Payer Information
Every licensee or operator of a Saskatchewan well completion, unit or injection facility must submit to the ministry:
- the BA ID of each Royalty/Tax Payer;
- the BA ID of each Working Interest Owner (WIO) that is not also a Royalty/Tax Payer; and
- the mineral ownership type and portion (i.e. percentage) for which each BA is responsible as either a Royalty/Tax Payer or Working Interest Owner that is not also a Royalty/Tax Payer.
The directive also provides information related to obtaining and changing Business Associate IDs, methods of submission, reporting deadlines, non-compliance errors (penalized and non-penalized), the penalty assessment policy, non-compliance reports and non-compliance waiver applications.
Reporting Guidelines
Guideline PNG034 - Submission of Gas Oil Ratio Factor
Effective June 2018 production month (2018-06), the Ministry of Energy and Resources is requiring operators to submit a Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) Factor (m3 of gas per m3 of oil) to the Ministry.
Operators who would like discontinue the generation of errors and penalties for the following errors should follow Guideline PNG034 Submission of Gas Oil Ratio Factor for how to submit a Gas Oil Ratio Factor to the ministry.
- VME0041 – Gas production or gas recovery must be reported when oil production of greater than 15.0 m3 has been reported at an oil well in a production month;
- VME0010 – Gas production or gas recovery must be reported when total oil production greater than or equal to 50.0 m3 has been reported at a crude oil or heavy crude oil facility in a production month, or
- VME0042 – Gas production or gas recovery must be reported when oil production greater than or equal to 50.0 m3 has been reported at an oil well in a production month.