Apply for a Seismic Exploration Licence
The Government of Saskatchewan governs the issuance of seismic exploration licences to conduct seismic exploration activities.
1. Guidance
In order to conduct, or permit, seismic programs in Saskatchewan, a company requires a Licence to Conduct Seismic Exploration.
The fee formerly charged for a seismic licence is covered under the Administrative Levy.
Changes to The Seismic Exploration Regulation, 1999 came into effect April 1, 2021. For information regarding the changes, please see Bulletin BT2021-004.
The current regulations can be found at The Seismic Exploration Regulations, 1999.
2. How To Apply
Complete the appropriate application form(s) and submit to the Ministry of Energy and Resources.
3. Apply
- Apply for a Licence to Conduct Seismic Exploration
- Submission of Preliminary Plans
- Notice of Intent for Seismic Operations
- Notice of Commencement of Seismic Operations
- Notice of Completion of Seismic Operations
- Report on a Flowing Shot Hole
- Report on Unexploded Charges
- Final Report of Seismic Exploration
Submit reports and forms to:
Ministry of Energy and Resources
610 - 1945 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 2C7
4. Further Information
Visit the Publications Centre for additional Seismic Activity Maps.
Proposed NHR projects should consider using the GeoPlanner to review siting options.
The GeoPlanner is a web-enabled geo-spatial planning and decision tool that identifies base, site-sensitive features from multiple ministries' and agencies' data, to assist with pre-planning and development of oil and gas and other commodities. The GeoPlanner provides users the ability to view and map their proposed project and generate a report that lists potential areas of concern to be addressed or that may require additional approval(s) or other land uses requiring provincial government approvals.
For more information, please visit the GeoPlanner website.