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Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS)

The Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS) is an online business system that supports the development and regulation of Saskatchewan's energy and resources industry. Through IRIS, the oil and gas industry completes regularly performed business activities and regulatory tasks with the province online.  


1. Alerts and Notifications

  • IRIS Release 9.19 was successfully implemented today, March 26, 2025. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.19 Release Notes.
  • IRIS Production environment is now available. If you continue to experience any difficulties, please reach out to the ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373 for assistance.
  • IRIS Release 9.18 was successfully implemented on February 5, 2025. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.18 Release Notes.
  • This tip is to aid industry in navigating through the changes, and provide details on the implications to facility licence applications. Please refer to the Industry Tip for further information.
  • IRIS Release 9.17 was successfully implemented on December 4, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.17 Release Notes.
  • This Tip is to aid Industry when submitting an Enhanced Recovery Application that includes a reclassification or recompletion. Please refer to the Industry Tip for further information.
  • IRIS Release 9.16.5 was successfully implemented October 24, 2024. As part of the release, the Internal Review Enhancement project introduces functionality to allow Ministry users to search for internal review attachments on Applications using a variety of Associated Entity search criteria.
  • IRIS Release 9.16 was successfully implemented on October 2, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.16 Release Notes.
  • Multiple notification related updates are now available in IRIS: notification tracking fix, creation of notification type Obligation Due Date Reminder, and amendment to Notification Preferences functionality. Please refer to the Industry Tip for further information.
  • Beginning in October 2024, there will be changes to the look and function of obligations that relate to cut and cap operations reported in IRIS (i.e. Report Cut and Cap obligation (due 12 months after downhole abandonment), as well as the Submit Cut and Cap Report obligation (due 7 days after the cut and cap operation)). Please refer to the Industry Tip for further information.
  • IRIS availability for Tuesday August 27, 2024, will be between 8 AM to 5 PM. A planned maintenance is schedule for 5 PM for approximately 30 minutes, and during this period users may experience intermittent service interruption. Users should avoid using system during this time.
  • IRIS Release 9.15 was successfully implemented August 7, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.15 Release Notes
  • The Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) is requesting your participation in their Background Soil and Water Geodatabase data for Saskatchewan Project as a licensee of Saskatchewan with Phase II ESA data. Please contact Zhongzhi Chen ( or Paul Fuellbrandt ( to obtain the Data Sharing Agreement and the Data Sharing Template or with any questions you may have. Please reach out to them prior to August 31, 2024 to participate.
  • The issue with the Licensee Liability Rating (LLR) calculation batch update for June has been resolved. You can now access your LLR reports as usual. If you experience any issues, please contact the ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373.
  • IRIS Release 9.14 was successfully implemented June 05, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.14 Release Notes.
  • The 2024 Orphan Fund Levy has been set for $6 million, and invoices will be issued/available on May 31, 2024, through IRIS. The orphan levy evaluation will be based on industry’s deemed liability under the LLR Program on May 4, 2024. Please refer to the Orphan Fund Levy webpage for further information.
  • Please note that the 9.13.5 Release of IRIS was successfully deployed on April 20, 2024. As part of the 9.13.5 release, IRIS file storage was upgraded. If you encounter difficulties while attempting to download a document, please perform a "hard refresh/reload" of the page. For any further assistance, questions, or concerns please contact the ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373.
  • IRIS Release 9.13 was successfully implemented March 27, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.13 Release Notes.
  • As part of IRIS release 9.12.5, the new Fluid Analysis Submission Detail Report allows users to have fluid analysis data returned under a variety of parameters. Please note that this report will return fluid analysis entered into IRIS on March 13, 2024, and forward. If you require fluid analysis data submitted prior to March 13, 2024, please contact the ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373.
  • IRIS Release 9.12.5 was successfully implemented March 13, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.12.5 Release Notes.
  • It has been discovered that the interest rate printed on the January and February IRIS invoice is incorrect. The correct interest rate is 10.20% effective January 1, 2024. If you have questions regarding your invoice, please contact the ER Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373.
  • IRIS Release 9.12 was successfully implemented February 7, 2024. To see what was implemented see IRIS 9.12 Release Notes.

IRIS is unavailable the first Wednesday of each month between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. CST for maintenance. Should that Wednesday fall on the first day of the month, the maintenance window moves to the first Thursday.


2. Guidance

You can complete the following activities on IRIS

Petroleum Tenure Module

Emissions Management Module

Well and Facility Infrastructure Module

Other IRIS functionality

To use IRIS effectively, it's important that you understand the following concepts:

Industry Self-Declaration: The Business Associate (BA) self-declares they have met the specific regulations or provided mitigation in accordance with policy before submitting applications, data, reports (etc.) in IRIS. It's important that the BA know and understand what is required under the regulations, and that submissions will be reviewed for regulatory compliance. False declarations may have serious consequences; the Government of Saskatchewan has the ability to cancel or suspend an issued licence, withhold future approvals or force abandonment of a well.

  • Business Associate (BA): Any entity that conducts business activities with the Ministry of Energy and Resources is referred to as a BA.
  • Business Associate Identification Code (BA ID): Every BA must have an active BA ID, which is a five-character numeric identification code. BAs apply to the Government of Saskatchewan for a BA ID through Petrinex.
  • Petrinex: Petrinex is the system the oil and gas industry uses to submit volumetric, valuation, royalty taxpayer and certain infrastructure information to the Government of Saskatchewan. The Government also uses Petrinex to administer it's BA ID codes. For more information about Petrinex, go to:
  • IRIS Security Administrator (SA): The SA is responsible for managing all of the IRIS user accounts on behalf of the BA, including assigning permissions and ensuring proper security and risk management procedures are in place to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the BA's data in IRIS.
  • Permission Sets: Permission sets (or a group of tasks) govern what activities an IRIS user can perform in the system on behalf of the BA. To perform any activity in IRIS, the user must have the appropriate permission sets assigned to them by the BA's Security Administrator (SA). A user may have many permission sets depending on the tasks he/she is required to perform in IRIS for the BA.
  • IRIS User Accounts: BAs have individual IRIS users within their organization, and each of those users requires an IRIS account. IRIS user accounts are set up by the BA's Security Administrator (SA). What each user can perform and see in IRIS is assigned by the SA through permission sets.
  • The Ministry of Energy and Resources (the Ministry): The ministry is the Government of Saskatchewan organization responsible for development and regulation of the energy and resources industry, and is also responsible for the processes performed in IRIS.

3. Prerequisites

To complete tasks on IRIS, you must:

  1. Have an active Business Associate Identification Code (BA ID)
  2. Have an appointed IRIS Security Administrator (SA)
  3. Have an active IRIS user account assigned by your BA's SA
  4. Read and understand the rules, regulations and directives that govern the business processes completed through IRIS:
  5. Complete the relevant application for authorization forms required for the activity you are completing in IRIS (see this IRIS Industry Tip for attachment types and file sizes accepted by IRIS)
  6. Ensure your screen resolution is set to 1280 X 1024, and have one of the following web browser versions on your computer:
Browser/Application Version Supported
Chrome 127 Yes
Edge 127 Yes
Mozilla Firefox 130 Yes
All Others   Best Efforts

4. How To

Individual IRIS user accounts are set up by your BA's Security Administrator (SA). If you require access to IRIS, contact your BA's SA. Don't know who your SA is? Contact the Energy and Resources Service Desk at 1-855-219-9373 or

Apply for a BA ID (if you don't have one):

  1. Complete and submit the Requesting a Business Associate Identifier (BA ID) for Saskatchewan application form on Petrinex.
  • If your organization doesn't report production data (volumetrics, valuation, etc.) to the Government of Saskatchewan you do not need to apply for access to Petrinex.
    • Click "no" to this question in the BA ID application form: "Once you have been assigned a BA Identifier will you need access to Petrinex?"

Apply for an IRIS Security Administrator account:

  1. Read the Integrated Resource Information System Security Administrator Role and Responsibilities Information Circular.
  2. Download and complete EITHER (a. or b.) below:
  3. Email completed SA application form to
  4. Upon approval of the application, the Ministry creates your BA SA account and contacts your designated SA by phone to provide the IRIS account name and password information.
  5. The BA's SA logs into IRIS using the account name and password. Once successfully logged in, the SA can begin setting up individual accounts and assigning permission sets for their BA's IRIS users.
  6. Regular review of the BA Security Administrators Responsibilities.

5. Login

Before you log in to IRIS be sure to check the Alerts and Notifications section for system maintenance and availability information.

Log in to IRIS


6. IRIS Learning Centre

The IRIS Learning Centre provides online training courses to support industries in their regulatory reporting requirements and activities through the Integrated Resources Information Systems (IRIS).

Go to IRIS Learning Centre


7. Further Information

Contact Us

The Ministry of Energy and Resources Service Desk is available Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, excluding holidays.

For any assistance, please contact:

ER Service Desk
1-855-219-9373 (toll free)

Emergency Support Reporting (24 hours a day, seven days a week)

IRIS Industry Tips

Find information to help you use IRIS more efficiently.

View the Archive of Industry Tips from Previous Years

IRIS Release Notes

See what was included in each release of IRIS.

View the Archive of Release Notes from Previous Years


8. Feedback

Share your thoughts on how to improve the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS).

Send us your feedback

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