Accelerated Site Closure Program
This program will provide up to $400 million for the abandonment and reclamation of inactive oil and gas wells and facilities in Saskatchewan.
Public Offerings, Dispositions and Tenure
Find information about Crown land oil and gas dispositions in Saskatchewan.
Environmental Protection
Learn about required environmental protection reporting for Saskatchewan's oil and gas industry.
IRIS Learning Centre
These online training courses support industries in their regulatory reporting requirements and activities through the Integrated Resources Information System (IRIS).
Liability Management
Learn about Saskatchewan's oil and gas industry's abandonment and reclamation liability management programs - including the Licensee Liability Rating (LLR) Program, Orphan Well Program and Acknowledgement of Reclamation (AOR) Program - and how to apply.
Oil and Gas Incentives, Crown Royalties and Taxes
Learn about the Government of Saskatchewan's oil and gas Crown royalty/tax programs, industry incentives, and how to report volumetric, valuation and infrastructure data to the province.
Oil and Gas Legislation, Regulations and Minister's Orders
Find information on topics related to Saskatchewan's oil and gas legislation, regulations and Minister's Orders.
Oil and Gas Licensing and Operations
Find information on topics related to Saskatchewan Oil and Gas licensing and operations.
Oil and Gas News, Bulletins, Statistics and Reports
Read oil and gas news, bulletins, reports, and schedules of Crown Land Sales.
Oil and Gas Reporting and Compliance
Find information about programs, directives and guidelines related to reporting and compliance for the oil and gas industry.
Petrinex Public Data
In an effort to enhance oil and gas data transparency in Saskatchewan, there is a public data portal page on the Petrinex website. The datasets on the portal include volumetrics, business associates, well/facility licence information, and general well and facility information.
Saskatchewan Geological Survey
The Saskatchewan Geological Survey is responsible for investigating, compiling and maintaining information on the geology, and mineral and petroleum resources of the province.
Western Regulators Forum
The Ministry of Energy and Resources is a member of the Western Regulators Forum (WRF), which was established to promote collaboration and pursue mutual priorities among oil and gas regulators in Western Canada.