Searching the Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database (SMAD)
The Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database is an integrated searchable database of non-confidential mineral assessment files submitted in compliance with The Mineral Disposition Regulations.
The SMAD program allows for the search of Mineral Assessment Files by Text or Map search and the ability to view or download digital copies of the files. This may include PDF files or other files that may require more specialized programs.
As new digital mineral assessment files come off-confidential, they will be added to the online database and will be available to download or view.
Information on this site is provided strictly "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The information may be used on the strict understanding that neither the province or its ministers, employees, or agents shall be liable to any persons for any loss or damage of any nature, whether arising out of negligence or otherwise, which may be occasioned as a result of information provided at this site, or information provided at any other site that can be accessed from this site.
Although Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources has exercised all reasonable care in the compilation, interpretation and production of this item, it is not possible to ensure total accuracy, and all persons who rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk. Any reserves or resource figures found in this database ARE NOT to be taken as NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 43-101 compliant. Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources and the Government of Saskatchewan do not accept liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may be included in, or derived from, this item.
Proceeding beyond this disclaimer constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Helpful Information
Historic mineral assessment files are identified geographically using the National Topographic System (NTS), followed by a file number. This does not mean, however, that files do not fall into other map sheets.
E.g. 63L06-0004
(NTS-File Number)
MAP Search
This tab takes you directly to the Saskatchewan Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas. To turn layers on or off, go to the Layers tab once the page has loaded. Mineral Exploration contains Mineral Assessment Files categorized by type: airborne, ground or underground surveys.
Digital Data
Digital data is broken into four categories: Reports, Digital Submissions, Maps and Figures and Sections, and Miscellaneous Information. Individual files or All can be selected for viewing or zipping for download.
If files are zipped for download, a file name will be attached (e.g. for download under the ZIP REQUESTS tab.
As this database is always being updated, please be patient and contact the Assessment Files Unit if defective data is discovered. Additional comments and questions should be directed to:
- Amanda Palaniuk at 306-787-2569
- Deirdre O'Donohoe at 306-798-4212
The Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database (SMAD) is maintained by Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources.