Saskatchewan has the largest potash industry in the world, accounting for 45 per cent of known global reserves. The province is home to all of Canada's operating potash mines. By conservative estimates, Saskatchewan could supply world potash demand at current levels for several hundred years. Existing Saskatchewan producers have undertaken major expansions in the past several years, while international mining companies are developing new operations here or have announced intentions to do so.
Salt production in Saskatchewan comes from different sources. Salt as a byproduct of the potash industry is stockpiled on site at the various mines. Salt from a salt mining operation is produced by one producer in Saskatchewan. Salt from Saskatchewan can be processed to use as table salt, water softener or as road de-icer.
The Potash Disposition Searchbook provides information on the holders, percentage of ownership and status of all potash dispositions in Saskatchewan.
Additional information is available in the Subsurface Disposition Forms and Guidelines.
Please refer to the Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas for the location of mineral dispositions.