Quarry dispositions in Saskatchewan are acquired through application to the Lands and Mineral Tenure Branch, Ministry of Energy and Resources.
Potential applicants should contact the Mineral Tenure Branch before undertaking any work, as staking a quarry disposition in any unsurveyed area of the province generally requires a significant expenditure. An application for a quarry disposition over a pre-existing disposition of any kind will likely be declined.
Please use the Mineral Administration Registry Saskatchewan (MARS) system to check the availability of land for staking a quarry permit.
The Quarry Disposition Searchbook provides information on the holders, percentage of ownership and status of all quarry dispositions in Saskatchewan.
View and download the Quarry Disposition Policy, Forms and Guidelines to learn more about obtaining or transferring a quarry permit.
Please refer to the Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas for the location of quarry dispositions.