Disease surveillance and management initiatives strengthen animal health in the province. A variety of disease surveillance and management activities are funded in Saskatchewan under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership agreement. Some activities are designed to improve our knowledge of the diseases currently present in provincial livestock populations, while others are designed to improve producers' knowledge about endemic diseases and provide tools to help control these diseases. Other activities are designed to gain additional knowledge and improve the province's ability to perform surveillance activities. The underlying intent is the same for all the activities: improving and protecting the health of Saskatchewan's livestock populations.
Initiatives include surveillance for the following:
- Anthrax;
- Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea;
- Swine Influenza;
- Antimicrobial Resistance;
- Johne's Disease in cattle;
- Bovine Viral Diarrhea;
- Diseases of wildlife impacting livestock including rabies, avian influenza and chronic wasting disease; and
- Maedi Visna.
Support is also provided to the following surveillance networks and programs: