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After the Farm and Before the Table: Meat and Poultry Inspection in Saskatchewan

By Shalyn McKenna, Communications Consultant, Regina

What comes after the farm and before the grocery store? Abattoirs (also known as slaughterhouses) process animals like cattle, bison, hogs and chickens to get meat and poultry products onto the tables of consumers.

Saskatchewan livestock and poultry producers pride themselves on providing high-quality food products to consumers—so they want to send their livestock and poultry to clean, safe abattoirs that provide proper animal care and practice food safety.

Steak and potatoes with asparagus on plate

Abattoirs in the province can be licensed under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health or the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture’s Domestic Meat Inspection Program. Regardless of the program, an abattoir must meet building construction, sanitation and temperature control standards. These standards reduce or prevent safety risks to meat and poultry products, resulting in safe products for sale to Saskatchewan consumers.

The Domestic Meat Inspection Program is a voluntary system where an inspector is present to inspect live animals and products throughout the slaughter process. These inspectors provide independent third-party services through a contract with the Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre Inc. To be eligible for this program, facilities must abide by requirements in The Animal Production Regulations and Saskatchewan’s Domestic Meat Inspection Program Standard.

This inspection isn’t just a cursory glance at an animal; it's a thorough, detailed examination of the animal’s overall health.

First, live animals are inspected every processing day to ensure they are in good health and visibly free of any diseases that may affect the safety of the meat or poultry product. In addition, operators ensure all animal welfare requirements are met throughout the process as outlined in the Domestic Meat Inspection Program. Finally, inspectors examine the products for contamination and to confirm they have been appropriately handled. Working together with industry and abattoir operators, wholesome, high-quality meat and poultry products are produced for the people of Saskatchewan.

Consumers can see if an abattoir operates under the Domestic Meat Inspection Program by looking at the product’s label for its unique plant number, such as SASK00, SK00, or the “Saskatchewan Approved” symbol. This also helps consumers clearly identify local food products if they wish to support these endeavours.

Do you run an abattoir and want more information on the Domestic Meat Inspection Program? Are you a producer looking for a company registered under this program? We’re here to help you—contact the Livestock Branch at 306-787-2150 or 306-527-8974 to learn more.

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