Under The Animal Health Act and Regulations, when chronic wasting disease (CWD) is detected on a game farm operation, a Quarantine Order is placed on that farm by the office of the Chief Veterinary Officer. This order imposes the following movement restrictions:
- All movement(s) of cervids or cervid parts (other than the exceptions listed below) require a Movement Authorization Permit issued by the office of the Chief Veterinary Officer prior to the movement occurring.
- The following cervid parts are exempt from requiring this permit:
- Antlers with no flesh adhering to them (hard horn);
- Raw/unprocessed cape or hide scraped clean of all neural tissue (brain tissue, spinal cord tissue and nerves);
- Cleaned teeth;
- Skull cap (with or without hard horn) and/or lower jaw that has been cleaned and disinfected as follows:
- All adhering brain material, skin or other soft tissue has been removed.
- The skull has been adequately treated with two per cent bleach for one hour of contact time.
- All other movements to or from a quarantined farm, including but not limited to live cervid movements, sample submissions to Prairie Diagnostic Services for CWD testing, movement of velvet from CWD negative animals, etc., require a Movement Authorization Permit.
- The following cervid parts are exempt from requiring this permit:
Movement Authorization Permits are specific to game farm operators where CWD has been detected and they have been placed under a provincial Quarantine Order. Cervid movements from non-quarantined farms do not require this permit, but regular import/export permitting may apply.
The movement authorization holder must comply with all relevant federal and provincial requirements in relation to the movement of cervids or cervid parts from a quarantined farm. Animals and/or material covered by a Movement Authorization Permit are to be moved directly between locations and must not have in-transit contact with other animals separate from a shipment. Furthermore, federal humane transport guidelines must be maintained.
Download the Movement Authorization Form
All Movement Authorization Forms should be submitted to cwd.permits@gov.sk.ca