Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment
As of December 31, 2024, the Saskatchewan Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) program was decommissioned. All information in the EFP portal has been archived by program administrators. For more information regarding your archived EFP documents, please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1‑866‑457‑2377 or by email at for assistance.
As a condition to access program funding, applicants are required to review the applicable sections of this Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment before beginning their project.
Identifying and addressing agri-environmental risks and opportunities on your operation through an Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment improves farm/business health and safety, adds value to property, provides a healthy landscape for next generations, maintains market access, reduces costs and improves competitiveness.
An Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment evaluates practices in soil and nutrient management; crop and pest management; water, biodiversity and land use; handling and storage of farm inputs; waste, by-products, pollution and energy efficiency and livestock and feed management.
More information on the topics below can be found by calling the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1‑866‑457‑2377 or by contacting your local Saskatchewan Agriculture regional office.
1. Soil and Nutrient Management
Adoption of sound soil management techniques ensures crops can take full advantage of available moisture and nutrients. Soil health, including organic matter, can be improved and maintained by using reduced or minimum till, eliminating the use of summer or chem-fallow, properly applying manure, preventing water and wind erosion, minimizing soil compaction, using soil-building crop rotations and practising the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Principles.
- Water and fertilizer use efficiency in crops
- Soil health and management
- Using reduced or minimum till to improve soil
- Managing manure as a fertilizer
- Water erosion control
- Soil conservation practices
- Soil compaction management
- Soil improvement with legumes
- 4R Nutrient Stewardship Principles
Soil and nutrient management plans are an important part of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Principles of the right source of nutrients applied at the right rate, right time and right place. A good plan considers target yields, crop type and field history, soil type, problem areas, organic matter, soil test results and any potential residual nutrient carryover. Regular soil testing is critical to ensure no excess nitrogen is applied; using enhanced efficiency fertilizers reduces nitrogen losses through volatilization or denitrification. Remember to never broadcast nutrients such as synthetic fertilizers and/or manure when the ground is frozen or snow-covered.
2. Crop and Pest Management
For crops to reach their yield potential, an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy is essential. IPM considers the use of pest-resistant crop varieties, biosecurity practices, diverse crop rotations, practices favouring beneficial organisms, practices discouraging pest resistance and herbicide residual issues, recommended seeding and fertilizer rates and proper identification of pests in the field. Invasive species management is also important.
- Varieties of grain crops
- Crop disease and invasive species biosecurity protocol
- Beneficial insects in crops
- Managing pest resistance on the farm
- Herbicide carryover risk
- Guidelines for safe rates of fertilizer applied with the seed
- Prairie Pest Monitoring Network
- Take action against invasive species
Pesticides used according to label recommendations provide safe and effective pest control with a minimal negative effect on the environment. It is important to choose appropriate products, follow label directions and consider current recommendations and market needs while respecting economic thresholds, crop stages and timing of application. Always record information related to pesticide and fertilizer use, including application rates, land locations and weather conditions.
3. Water, Biodiversity and Land Use
Sound management practices are important to help protect vital water resources on the farm. These practices include frequently testing your water, providing off-site watering for livestock, protecting riparian and wetland areas, storing and handling possible contaminants in a thoughtful manner, and conserving irrigation water.
- Water efficiency on the farm
- Importance of water testing
- Preventing contamination of water sources
- Irrigation scheduling manual
Leaving all natural native trees, forest and grasslands intact and/or properly managing them enhances biodiversity potential, protects water quality, offsets greenhouse gas emissions and helps gain access to certain markets. Leaving buffer zones adjacent to riparian areas minimizes impacts while maintaining shelterbelts provides shelter for important pollinator species and improves soil moisture retention. It is essential appropriate approvals and licences are held when working next to or in protected aquatic areas and when planning any type of drainage.
- Proper management of natural native trees, forest, and grasslands
- Enhancing biodiversity potential on the farm
- Land-based greenhouse gas emissions and removals
- Accessing the European Union biofuel market
- Riparian area management
- Benefits of pollinator species
- Improving soil moisture retention with shelterbelts
- Applying for the Aquatic Habitat Protection Program
- Three steps to drainage approval in Saskatchewan
4. Handling and Storage of Farm Inputs
Farm inputs are important for food production; however, they can also impact health and the environment in cases of leaks, spills or improper use. Always store and handle pesticides, fertilizers and petroleum products according to regulations. Ensure any mixing and/or loading does not take place near a drinking water source or water body. Clear emergency procedures and instructions should be communicated so everyone on the farm is aware of the risks and knows what to do in case of a leak or spill. Farm health and safety should always be top of mind and personal protective equipment available and used as intended.
5. Waste, Byproducts, Pollution and Energy Efficiency
Proper waste disposal is important to ensure that health risks and impacts to soil and water quality are minimized. Farm wastes that require special care include pesticide packaging, scrap tires, used oil, plastic waste, and expired animal health products. It is also important that livestock carcasses are disposed of in a safe manner to prevent disease spread or environmental contamination. Processing wastes may require pre-treatment or special disposal methods, yet minimizing waste or finding productive uses for by-products may be the optimal solution.
- Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council
- Proper recycling and disposal of pesticide packaging
- Recycling scrap tires
- Recycling and disposal of used oil
- Grain bag recycling and disposal
- Unwanted and expired animal health product disposal
- Animal mortality procedures
- Industrial water and wastewater treatment
- Saskatchewan industrial waste acceptance guidance
- Saskatchewan solid waste management strategy
6. Livestock and Feed Management
Good livestock management ensures that any environmental impacts, such as from manure storage and silage storage, are minimized. Ensure wintering sites have natural drainage, have evenly distributed surface groundcover and are rotated annually. It is important to limit livestock access to water bodies and follow proper grazing management techniques to maintain healthy ecosystems that support diverse plant and animal communities and protect sensitive species. If managing an intensive livestock operation, ensure all regulations are being followed.
- Proper storage of manure on the farm
- Silage storage techniques
- Livestock wintering site selection
- Management of intensive livestock grazing
- Managing Saskatchewan rangeland
- Living with Saskatchewan Species at risk
- Regulation of intensive livestock operations
Completing biodiversity evaluations such as riparian or rangeland health assessments can help prevent invasive weeds while ensuring a healthy balance of grasses, forbs, shrubs and trees. Designing proper feed ration plans can also ensure adequate supply is available during times of drought.
7. Confirm Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment Information
As the issuing agency of the Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment (AERA) in Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for certifying producers have completed the AERA by the collection and storage of producer information.
To confirm you have read and reviewed the AERA, please click the button below and fill out the form.