Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment
Identifying and addressing agri-environmental risks and opportunities on your operation through an Agri-Environmental Risk Assessment improves farm health and safety, adds value to the farm property, maintains market access and provides a healthy landscape for the next generation.
Environmental Farm Plans
An Environmental Farm Plan is a voluntary, self-assessment tool that can help producers become aware of, and improve, the environmental conditions of their operation.
Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure (FRWIP)
The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program provides rebates to develop secure and sustainable agricultural water sources, such as wells, dugouts and pipelines. The program also supports rural well decommissioning.
Irrigation Program
Irrigation programming supports sustainable agriculture water management and adaptation to climate change by expanding irrigation development and improving irrigation efficiencies.
Resilient Agricultural Landscapes Program
The Resilient Agricultural Landscapes Program (RALP) provides funding to producers to increase the environmental resiliency of agricultural land.