Drought is when below-average precipitation affects the quantity of moisture in the soil and the volume of water in streams, rivers, lakes and groundwater. Drought can be further defined based on its impacts.
Agricultural drought is when there is reduced water availability and water quality necessary for the productivity of farms, ranches and grazing lands, and results in negative direct and indirect economic impacts on the agricultural sector. The resources and programs listed on this page are to support Saskatchewan’s agriculture sector when faced with drought conditions.
Please contact the extension specialists in your area or call the Agriculture Knowledge Centre for more information on our programs and services.
Future Droughts and Preparedness
Information and resources on how to be prepared for drought conditions.
Condition Reports
Stay up to date on crop and drought conditions throughout the growing season.
Agricultural Drought Programs and Resources
A list of programs and resources available to producers for managing crops and livestock during dry conditions.
History of Drought Impacts in Saskatchewan
Learn more about how drought has impacted the province throughout history.