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Pesticide Vendor Licence

In Saskatchewan, The Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act requires companies or individuals that sell pesticides to an end user to hold a pesticide vendor licence for each outlet maintained in the province.

A pesticide vendor licence ensures that businesses selling commercial or restricted pesticides conduct their operations safely and responsibly. A licence also ensures vendors employ staff that are trained and knowledgeable in the safe handling and proper storage of pesticides. This helps protect environmental and human health.

Pesticide Vendor Licensing Requirements

To qualify for a vendor licence, an individual or company must:

  1. Employ at least one trained and certified pesticide dispenser at each licensed outlet. A dispenser must be 18 years of age or older and have passed an approved training course within the last five (5) years.
  2. Individuals must be at least 18 years of age .
  3. Be responsible for the activities and actions of their employees in the safe handling, storage and transportation of pesticides.
  4. Provide employees with information on procedures for applying, handling, storing and transporting pesticides safely
  5. Licences are not transferable and are issued only to the company or individual as named on the application form.
  6. Vendor licences must be posted or be immediately available upon request at the retail pesticide outlet.
  7. Have an approval number from the Ministry of Environment to operate a hazardous substance storage facility, as required by The Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Regulations (HSWDGR).

Dispenser Training

  • A dispenser must complete an approved pesticide dispenser training course to be employed by a vendor. Saskatchewan Polytechnic provides pesticide education in the province.
  • Training must be recertified every five (5) years by completing a recertification exam.
  • For more information on training, contact the Saskatchewan Pesticide Education Program at or call 306-775-7473.

New dispensers to Saskatchewan will be required to write the Saskatchewan legislation examination. Contact Saskatchewan Polytechnic at 306-775-7473 for more information.

Record Keeping

Every holder of a pesticide vendor licence must keep records of all pesticides sold including:

  1. The common name of the active ingredient of each pesticide sold, as indicated by the guarantee on its label.
  2. The quantity by weight or volume of each pesticide sold.

Upon request by the Ministry of Agriculture, vendors must provide true copies of the pesticide sales records before December 31 in the year in which the request is made.

Every holder of a pesticide vendor licence must retain all records for not less than three (3) years from the date they are made.

Apply for a Pesticide Vendor Licence

The annual fee for a pesticide vendor licence is $100. The licence expires on October 31 each year. Licence fees will not be pro-rated for a partial year coverage.

Complete and sign the pesticide vendor licence application form and submit it to the Ministry of Agriculture. Ensure you include any required additional documentation (e.g., dispenser certification).

Complete forms and supporting documentation can be submitted by email to or mail to:

Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
Crops and Irrigation Branch
Room 125, 3085 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 0B1

Pesticide Vendor Licence Application Form

Renew a Pesticide Vendor Licence

The Ministry of Agriculture mails out licence renewal forms to all current licence holders approximately 45-60 days before the licence expiry date. If you did not receive your renewal, contact us at or call 306‑787‑4662.

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