Irrigation Agronomy
Please visit the Irrigation Crop Diversification Corporation website for further information on irrigation agronomy. Resource material such as the irrigation crop variety guide, irrigation economics and agronomics guide, irrigation scheduling manual, and all the latest irrigation related research results can be found at this website.
Irrigation Information Booklet
Recent analysis has shown that irrigation increased the value of primary production by $832.42 per acre annually in the Lake Diefenbaker Development Area. The purpose of this annual publication is to provide an overview of Saskatchewan’s growing irrigation industry by detailing statistical information and data.
Irrigation Certification in Saskatchewan
An Irrigation Certificate is a requirement of The Irrigation Act, 2019, for all projects allocated more than 12,300 cubic metres (10 acre feet) of water.
Irrigation Development Process
Moisture is the main agricultural limitation in most areas of Saskatchewan, which makes irrigation development very appealing.
Irrigation Expansion Projects
The Lake Diefenbaker Irrigation Projects are made up of three projects, the Westside Rehabilitation and Expansion, and the Qu’Appelle South Water Conveyance. Once fully developed these projects could potentially create a total of 500,000 acres of irrigation from Lake Diefenbaker.
Irrigation Regulatory Requirements
Legislated requirements for irrigation districts and irrigators as identified in The Irrigation Act, 2019 and The Irrigation Regulations, 2020.
Saskatchewan Irrigation Design and Construction Standards Manual
The Saskatchewan Irrigation Design and Construction Standards Manual provides engineering guidelines needed for the construction and rehabilitation of irrigation district works and individual irrigation projects in Saskatchewan.