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Prince Albert Regional Office

Allie Noble, AAg, Crops Extension Specialist

Allie Noble
As a crops extension specialist, Allie's goal is to provide producers and agronomists with up-to-date information on all things related to field crops, including best practices for pest management, soils and clubroot. She does this through presentations, extension events, articles, webinars and one-on-one client interactions. Allie also works with commodity groups and industry agronomists. During the growing season she participates in many different insect and disease surveys to provide data for provincial reports. She grew up on a grain farm in Saskatchewan before attaining her bachelor of science in crop science at the University of Saskatchewan.

Riley Rude, BSA, AAg, Crops Extension Specialist

Riley Rude
Riley is a dedicated crop extension specialist. Having grown up on a grain farm in Saskatchewan, he has a deep-rooted connection to agriculture. With a strong passion for crop protection and pest mitigation, Riley is committed to supporting local producers. Drawing on a blend of practical experience and ongoing research, Riley is focused on helping Saskatchewan farmers improve crop health and yields through targeted extension events, educational outreach and the latest advancements in plant science.

Andre Bonneau, PAg, Range Management Extension Specialist

Andre enjoys helping livestock producers develop sustainable forage and pasture systems. As a range management extension specialist in the northwest region, Andre is a good source of information and assists producers with forage production, pasture management and weed control – especially in the northern grain belt. He has almost 30 years of experience working with farmers in Saskatchewan and Alberta and is an agriculture graduate from the University of Saskatchewan.

Paige Straf, BSA, AAg, Agri-Environmental Specialist

Paige Straf
Paige helps find practical on-farm solutions to support producers with their operational goals. She works with farmers and ranchers to provide information on implementing best management practices, such as converting marginal cropland to perennial forage and cross-fencing to better manage riparian and/or native areas. Her experience includes forage and rangeland management, invasive weed management and agriculture extension. Paige has a bachelor of science in agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan, with a major in applied plant ecology.

Kaitlin Burns, AAg, Agriculture Programs Specialist

Kaitlin Burns
Kaitlin is passionate about livestock production, environmental stewardship and collaborating with producers to support informed and economically sound decisions for their operations. As an agriculture programs specialist, Kaitlin works alongside producers to navigate programming under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. She is committed to building public trust in the agriculture industry and helping producers adopt best management practices that support both environmental sustainability and economic viability. Kaitlin holds both a bachelor of science in agriculture and a master of science in agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan.

Deanna Macsymic, Regional Service Representative

As the first point of contact, Deanna Macsymic assesses internal and external client needs to make sure they find what they need in an efficient and effective manner. Deanna has worked several years in administration and has been with government since 2004, bringing vast legal and administrative knowledge and experience.

Dallas Gould, Administrative Assistant

Dallas Gould
Dallas joined the Ministry of Agriculture team in April of 2019. She provides part time customer service and administrative support to the public, as well as assists the regional service representative and regional specialists. Dallas also has previous experience working in customer service and within municipal government. In 2011, she completed her bachelor of science in agricultural and bioresource engineering degree from the University of Saskatchewan.

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