Agribusiness, Farmers and Ranchers
Learn about crops and marketing options, land, livestock, public trust in agriculture, risk management and business management for producers and agri-businesses.
Learn about Saskatchewan's well-established forest industry, which is sustainably managed and globally competitive, and how government supports sustainable forest management.
Read about the approach to supporting helium development in Saskatchewan and a high-level overview of the requirements to conduct helium exploration and operations in the province.
Land Management
Learn more on the province’s land use planning and our Conserved and Protected Areas Network. Find out how to arrange for a conservation easement or how to purchase or lease Crown resource lands.
Mineral Exploration and Mining
Learn more about the province's geology, and mineral and petroleum resources. Apply for permits and rights to explore and develop Saskatchewan’s mineral deposits.
Mineral Rights
Learn more about programs and policies affecting Provincial Crown Minerals. Find out how Mineral Rights Tax and Working Interest Owner Exemptions affect freehold mineral rights.
Oil and Gas
Learn about the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS), and read news from Saskatchewan's oil and gas industry.
Oil and Gas and Mineral Tenure: Minister's Orders and Notifications
Find Minister’s Orders and notifications related to Crown oil and gas and mineral tenure, including tenure to explore for and develop petroleum and natural gas; helium and associated gases; oil sands; oil shale; coal; quarry minerals; alkali; subsurface minerals (potash; lithium in formation water); and minerals (gold, silver, base metals, rare earth elements, uranium); diamonds; and spaces on Crown lands.