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Autism Services

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) show delays in communication and social interaction and display unusual patterns of behaviours, activities and interests.

ASDs usually appear during the first three years of life. Although we have not discovered the true causes of ASDs, scientists have found a genetic basis. This suggests it may run in families, but there is still a lot to learn about other possible causes.


1. Individualized Funding

Autism Spectrum Disorder Individualized Funding (ASD-IF) provides children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis under the age of six with up to $8,000 annually, and children aged six to 11 with up to $6,000 annually.

ASD-IF provides parents or guardians with funding to purchase services that best suit their child's individual needs. This gives parents the flexibility to choose from a range of approved, eligible therapeutic interventions and family supports that will most benefit their child. Download the List of Eligible Services and Expenses. (Updated January 2025)

Out-of-province diagnoses will need to be reviewed and confirmed by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. If you think your child may have ASD, contact an ASD Consultant in the community closest to you to arrange for an assessment.

To apply for ASD-IF, you will need:

  • Your Social Insurance Numbers (SIN)
  • Your child’s Health Services Number
  • Proof of Saskatchewan residency (SGI photo ID, SaskPower, SaskEnergy or a municipal water/utility bill within the last three months)
  • Proof of ASD Diagnosis (ASD Diagnostic Form)
  • Direct Deposit Payment Request Form

Step-by-step instructions guide for how to apply online for ASD-IF.

To renew, you will need:

  • Your Social Insurance Numbers (SIN)
  • Your child’s Health Services Number
  • Proof of Saskatchewan residency (SGI photo ID, SaskPower, SaskEnergy or a municipal water/utility bill within the last three months)

Step-by-step instructions guide for how to renew your ASD-IF application online.

Before you renew, ensure you have submitted all proof of expenses for the previous year using Submit an Expense Online.

Reminder: Only one parent can apply on behalf of the child.

Apply/Renew Online

If you have questions or need assistance with your application, please contact the Ministry of Social Services at 1-833-304-1774 or

Change in Circumstances

Parents and guardians are required to notify the Ministry of Social Services immediately if you have a change in circumstance. Change in circumstances include: address, child name, parent/guardian name, change of applicant or legal guardian and banking information. You can report a change in circumstance by downloading the ASD-IF Change of Circumstance Form, and sending the completed form to

Submit an Expense

Parents and caregivers must submit proof of expenses once their application is approved by clicking the link below. Before you submit an expense, please review the List of Eligible Services and Expenses to ensure it is an approved expense.

Step-by-step instructions guide for how to submit an expense online.

Submit an Expense Online

ASD-IF expense forms you may require:

ASD-IF Expense Invoice Template
ASD-IF Monthly Respite Invoice Form and Instructions
ASD-IF Monthly Mileage Invoice Form and Instructions
ASD-IF Expense Review Form

Eligible Services and Registry of Autism Service Providers

The Ministry of Health maintains the registry of autism service providers, which allows parents/caregivers of children with ASD to search for services available in their home community (or communities close to them).

Specific professionals providing services under the ASD IF program are required to be listed on the registry. If you do not see your preferred private service provider listed in the registry, or if you are a private service provider who would like to be listed, contact for more information. Private service providers can also submit an application to be listed in the registry.

Access the Registry of Autism Service Providers

Note: The private service providers listed on the registry operate as private businesses and their fees may vary. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to contact providers for their service rates.

Provision of funding for a type of therapy or inclusion of a specific provider on the Registry of Autism Service Providers is not an endorsement of the therapy or provider by the Government of Saskatchewan.

For more information about what services are eligible under the ASD-IF program, download the List of Eligible Services and Expenses. *Updated January 2025

Download the Alternative Funding list to learn about other funding that is available for services not eligible under the Individualized Funding Program.

More Information

Families will receive their first benefit upon approval of their application and future benefits will be paid annually in the month of the anniversary of the original application date so long as the child is under the age of 12.

For more information:


  • For information related to applications, payments and eligible expenses, contact the Ministry of Social Services at 1-833-304-1774 or
  • For information related to the service provider registry, contact the Ministry of Health at 1-800-667-7766 or

2. Early Signs of Autism

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is the provider of publicly funded health care in Saskatchewan. The SHA provides autism supports and services for children up to 19 years of age with known or suspected autism, and their families.

Your child playing, interacting or moving differently may not be cause for concern but can be an early sign of autism. Children can show signs of autism by 12 to 18 months of age or even earlier. The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) website can help you to identify early signs of autism.


3. Diagnostic Information

Understanding the diagnostic process used by the SHA can help you plan for your child’s immediate needs. Find out more about autism assessments and the professionals involved in a diagnosis.

If you suspect your child has ASD, you can access assistance by contacting a Local Autism Program or an ASD Consultant in your area.

An ASD Consultant will complete a screening to determine your child's level of risk for an ASD and link you to services and supports that best meet the needs of your child. Additionally, if the screen indicates the need for a diagnostic assessment, an ASD Consultant will make a referral for an assessment and begin development of an individual program plan for your child and family.

A diagnosis is often a multi-step process which may include a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, neurologist, developmental pediatrician, speech/language pathologist, occupational therapist, teacher and other health professionals.


4. Services and Supports

A variety of ASD services and supports are available to individuals throughout the province.

Mom and Kids Health Saskatchewan supports patients who are pregnant, who are giving birth, for children and for their families. The program provides a range of locations within the province where you can receive supports regarding your questions and your child’s needs.

If you need help understanding the health care system regarding your child's autism needs, Saskatchewan Autism Navigators can assist you in building connections and finding autism supports and systems.

The Ministry of Education provides support to all children and youth, including children with special needs, through Early Childhood Intervention Programs and/or Boards of Education.

The Ministry of Social Services provides flexible funding to people living with cognitive and or intellectual disabilities through the Cognitive Disability Strategy (CDS) and programs offered by Community Living Service Delivery.

The Ministry of Health provides global funding to the Saskatchewan Health Authority for the delivery of health programs and services, including services to the ASD population. Historically, the Ministry of Health offered the Framework and Action Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorders Services in Saskatchewan in communities across the province. This action plan provided evidence-supported intervention options, including behavioural, visual or social strategies through individual programming developed by the client’s service team and family. The action plan built on and joined with other services available in the community to meet the needs of the clients it services. The Framework and Action Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorders Services in Saskatchewan is available by emailing

Respite/seasonal programming is also available to support children and youth with ASD.


5. Resources


Adult autism diagnosis and assessment services include:

  • psychological assessment and diagnosis of adult ASD
  • related services including screening, treatment plans, and consultation

Services Available:

Area contact: Contact details:
Central and Northern Saskatchewan
Autism Services of Saskatoon
Phone: 306-665-7013
Southern Saskatchewan
Regina Mental Health Clinic
Phone: 306-766-7800

Children and Youth

ASD consultants can screen for the possibility of ASD, refer for diagnosis and assessment, and facilitate the development and implementation of a support and/or treatment plan for individuals up to 19 years old.

ASD support workers can implement specific ASD therapy plans under the supervision of an ASD consultant for children who have not yet successfully transitioned to school.

To find an ASD consultant in your area, you can download the ASD Service Directory.

Other available information and services
Autism Resource Centre
Provides year-round services and supports to all young adults diagnosed with autism between the ages of 18 to 35. Adult programming is focused on building independence and critical skills in all ares of life including: employment, living on one's own, life skills, social interactions, and relationship building.

The Autism Resource Centre also provides structured, therapeutic summer programs for children/youth aged 7 to 18 who require one-to one support staff. For those who do not require one-to-one summer camp support, ARC also runs a social skills summer camp for ages 13 to 18 as well as Improv classes for youth and adults in partnership with the Regina Globe Theatre.
Autism Services of Saskatoon
A Saskatoon-based agency which provides consultation supports, as well as education, referral and advocacy services to parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Recreational, social, and summer programming are available to children and adolescents with autism. Adult residential services are available.
Department of Child & Youth - Psychiatry
Psychiatric assessments at the Royal University Hospital for children with autism spectrum disorders in Saskatoon. Physicians' referrals are required.

Phone: 306-966-7531
Fax: 306-966-8250
Community Living Service Delivery - Ministry of Social Services
Provides respite subsidy and other support to persons with an intellectual disability.
For more information, check your telephone directory under Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Social Services - Community Living Service Delivery.
Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) - Ministry of Education
Provides home-based services involving parents of children with disabilities or those who are at risk. May also provide advocacy, case management and transition support to centre based programs.

For local contact information, visit the Ministry of Education page.
Inclusion Saskatchewan (formerly Saskatchewan Association for Community Living
Located in Saskatoon, Inclusion Saskatchewan provides advocacy, public awareness, and assistance with accessing respite resources and employment for persons with an intellectual disability.
Inclusion Saskatchewan Family Network
Inclusion Saskatchewan provides opportunities for families who live with intellectual disability to connect through phone, e-mail, newsletter, and regional and provincial gatherings.
Intensive Supports for Students in the pre-K to grade 12 Education System - Ministry of Education
For more information, visit the Ministry of Education page.
Programs for Kids - Saskatchewan Heath Authority (SHA)
The SHA provides a range of services across the province for children with physical, developmental and cognitive needs. Moms and Kids Health Saskatchewan provides health care for children, while supporting their health and well-being as close to home as possible. For more information, visit SHA Programs for Kids.

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