Find Answers to your Health Questions with HealthLine Online
Call HealthLine at 811 if you're unable to find the information you're seeking on HealthLine Online. HealthLine 811 does not accept web inquiries.
Call HealthLine at 811 for professional health or mental health and addictions advice, education and support.
- Open 24/7
- Confidential
- Free
- Translation in over 100 languages
What is HealthLine 811?
HealthLine 811 is a confidential, 24-hour health and mental health and addictions advice, education and support telephone line available to the people of Saskatchewan. It is staffed by experienced and specially trained Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, and Registered Social Workers.
HealthLine 811 is free. Services are offered in English, with translation available in over 100 languages.
If you are having technical issues with accessing HealthLine 811 by dialling 811, you can call 1-877-800-0002 to be connected with HealthLine 811.
Deaf and hard of hearing residents can access HealthLine 811 by using the SaskTel Relay Operator service at 1‑800‑855‑0511.
How does HealthLine 811 work?
When you call 811, a licensed healthcare professional will give you options and information to help you with health or mental health and addictions-related questions or concerns. You will be able to discuss your concerns in a safe, caring, and confidential manner.
A registered nurse will assess your symptoms and help you decide whether to treat your own symptoms, go to a clinic, see your primary health care provider, or access emergency medical care, if necessary.
HealthLine 811 also provides mental health and addictions support. HealthLine’s registered Psychiatric Nurses and Registered Social workers can offer crisis support, advice to help you manage your situation, and connections to resources in your community.