Apply for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant
The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG) is closed due to the federal government’s decision to cut $17.6 million of funding to Saskatchewan through Labour Market Transfer Agreements. The information provided below is for reference only.
The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant is an employer-driven program that:
- Helps businesses and non-profit organizations train new or existing employees for available jobs; and
- Provides more opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers to receive training.
Through the program, the employer contributes one-third of the training cost, while the federal and provincial governments contribute the remaining two-thirds.
1. Benefits
- Select the trainees and the training program.
- Receive reimbursement for two-thirds of eligible training costs.
- Employ the trainee at the end of training.
Employers can make multiple grant applications to a maximum of $100,000 per fiscal year, and up to $10,000 per individual trainee.
The minimum amount per application is $1,000. Employers may work with training providers to combine courses into customized programs that meet their training needs.
Payment is made to approved employers that enter into a training agreement with the government upon completion of final reporting, including verification of actual expenditures.
2. Eligibility
Private and not-for-profit sector employers are eligible.
Publicly funded organizations such as health regions, post-secondary training institutions, public libraries, municipalities and school divisions are not eligible under the program.
Self-Employed individuals are not eligible to participate as CSJG supported trainees.
- Must have a valid Social Insurance Number.
- Be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident of Canada, or temporary resident with authorization for emergency travel from the Government of Canada holding a valid Canadian work permit.
- Both existing and potential employees are eligible.
Temporary foreign workers, temporary residents without authorization for emergency travel and a valid Canadian work permit, and volunteers are not eligible for training funding.
Training costs
- Tuition fees or fees charged by the training provider;
- Mandatory student fees;
- Textbooks, software and other required materials;
- Learning material fees; and
- Examination fees.
Training taken prior to an approved contract is not eligible for funding.
Training is flexible. Employers choose the training program and mode of delivery that will meet their needs within the following requirements:
- Must be delivered by a third party not affiliated with the employer applicant;
- Must be a minimum of 24 hours in length per trainee by the same training provider and completed within a 52 week period;
- Must start within four months of the application date;
- Must result in a credential (record of completion, certificate, grade, etc.); and
- Must not replace an employer's existing investment in training.
Third-party trainers could include:
- Post-secondary education institutions;
- Private vocational schools, trade unions; and
- Private industry trainers.
3. How to Apply
The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant is closed. The information below is provided for reference purposes only.
Interested employers must complete the Employer Application Form and Direct Deposit Payment Request Form for the business. The application requires attachments and supporting documents from the business. Before starting an application, review the Before You Apply Checklist.
Ensure you have the following documentation complete and available to assist you before starting the application:
- The ISC Corporate Registry number for the business;
- Direct Deposit Payment Request Form for the business;
- The trainees, training provider and program, including the dates and training and costs; and
- For customized training, the Training Course Outline has been completed by the training provider.
Applications submitted less than 10 business days prior to the start date of training may not be approved. If you have questions about the status of your application please contact us at
Only fully completed applications will be accepted for assessment. Applications will be accepted, assessed and approved based on available funding.
A completed application is not a guarantee of funding. Training requests must be approved and a contract negotiated between the employer and the Government of Saskatchewan prior to the start date of training to be eligible for program funding.
4. Apply
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant Applicant Guide
Forward the completed application form to your nearest Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant (CSJG) office. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training staff will contact you within three business days to confirm receipt of the application and begin application assessment.
If approved for funding, a contract will be negotiated for the funded training. Any changes to the contracted training must be reported to the ministry as soon as possible. Payment is made at the end of training, upon completion of all final reporting.
5. Further Information
For more information on the program, please review the definition of terms. If you still have questions, please contact us by email: or phone: 306-964-1005 (Saskatoon and area) or 306-787-4677 (Regina and area).