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Graduate Retention Program

The Graduate Retention Program (GRP) provides a tax rebate to eligible post-secondary graduates who live and file income tax in Saskatchewan.

The maximum GRP tax credit was recently increased from $20,000 to $24,000.

  • If you graduated on or after October 1, 2024, you may be eligible for up to $24,000.
  • If you graduated before October 1, 2024, you may be eligible for up to $20,000.

If you graduated between October 1 and December 31, 2024, more information is available for you on what to expect and next steps.

Eligible graduates will receive a GRP certificate after graduation to use when filing their taxes.


1. Eligibility

To be eligible for the GRP, graduates must:

  • have graduated from an approved post-secondary program that is equivalent to at least six months of full-time study at an eligible post-secondary institution and results in a certificate, diploma, undergraduate degree or journeyperson certification;
  • live in or be moving to Saskatchewan;
  • file Saskatchewan income tax; and
  • have graduated within the last seven years.
    • Graduates from 2017 and earlier are no longer eligible to apply.
    • Graduates from 2018 have until April 30, 2025, to apply.

The amount you are eligible for is based on your program and the amount of tuition paid over the course of your studies.

  • The amount of tuition paid is indicated on your T2202 tax form issued by your post-secondary institution.
  • If you graduated from a Saskatchewan regional college, this form can be found in your Advanced Education Student Portal account.

You may be eligible to receive GRP for multiple credentials if you have not exceeded your eligible lifetime limit. For example, you may be eligible to claim GRP for both a one-year certificate and a four-year undergraduate degree. However, you would stop receiving the rebate once you’ve reached your lifetime limit.

Graduated On or After October 1, 2024

Program Tuition Rebate Maximum 
1-year Certificate, Diploma or Journeyperson $3,600
2- or 3-year Certificate or Diploma $7,680
3-year Undergraduate Degree $18,000
4-year Undergraduate Degree $24,000

Graduated Before October 1, 2024

Program Tuition Rebate Maximum
1-year Certificate, Diploma or Journeyperson $3,000
2- or 3-year Certificate or Diploma $6,400
3-year Undergraduate Degree $15,000
4-year Undergraduate Degree $20,000

*Master’s and PhD degrees are not eligible for the GRP. Your undergraduate program may qualify if it meets the above requirements.


2. Getting Your Certificate

Most Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions apply for the Graduate Retention Program (GRP) on your behalf. If you studied at an institution that doesn't apply on your behalf, or an institution outside Saskatchewan, you must apply directly to the Ministry of Advanced Education.

Institutions that Apply on Your Behalf

Institutions that apply on your behalf require your prior consent. Check with your institution on how to provide consent.

You will receive your GRP certificate in your Advanced Education Student Portal account after graduation. If you do not have an account, you will receive an email from the Ministry of Advanced Education inviting you to create one.

The following institutions apply on behalf of graduates:

  • Academy of Learning – Saskatoon
  • Avant Garde
  • Axiom College
  • Briercrest College and Seminary
  • Collège Mathieu
  • Eston College
  • Millar College of the Bible
  • Professional Institute of Massage Therapy
  • Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT)
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic
  • Saskatoon Business College
  • University of Regina (includes Luther College, Campion College and First Nations University of Canada)
  • University of Saskatchewan (includes St. Thomas More College and St. Peter's College)
  • Western College of Remedial Massage

Out-of-Province Graduates/Institutions That Do Not Apply on Your Behalf

If you studied at an institution that does not apply on your behalf or an institution outside Saskatchewan, you must apply for the GRP through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education.

If you graduated within the last seven years, you can apply retroactively for the GRP. Submit your application to the Ministry of Advanced Education and call the CRA regarding a reassessment of your tax returns.

To apply:

  1. Fill out the application.
  2. Save or print a copy of your certificate, diploma or degree. This must be submitted with your application.
  3. Submit your application form and supporting documents through the Post-Secondary Document Uploader or mail your application to the Student Service Centre. If you have an existing Advanced Education Student Portal account, please log into your account to upload/submit your application.

Download GRP Application


3. Filing Your Tax Return

You must include a copy of your Graduate Retention Program (GRP) certificate when filing your taxes to receive your GRP tax credit. You can download your GRP certificate from your Advanced Education Student Portal account. You only need to submit your certificate the first time you file for GRP. You will not receive a new certificate every year.

Students who graduated between October 1 and December 31, 2024, will receive two GRP certificates, one to be filed with their 2024 taxes and a top-up certificate to be filed with their 2025 taxes. Students will receive their top up certificate prior to the 2025 tax season. Both certificates must be filed in their applicable tax year.

Once you have submitted your certificate, you will begin receiving the tax credit as a reduction to what you owe on your personal income tax. Your maximum rebate is paid out over seven years. You will receive:

  • 10 per cent of your tax credit in each of the first four years; and
  • 20 per cent in each of the final three years.

Please note: If you previously graduated and did not claim your GRP tax credit or your year of graduation is prior to the year your GRP certificate was originally issued, you must contact the CRA and request an adjustment on your prior tax returns.

For questions regarding filing your tax return, contact the CRA or talk to an accounting professional.


4. 2024 Change

Saskatchewan has increased the maximum Graduate Retention Program (GRP) tax credit by 20 per cent for students who graduated on or after October 1, 2024

Graduation Date Before October 1, 2024

If your official graduation date is before October 1, 2024, you may still apply for GRP to receive up to $20,000 in tuition rebates.

Please note: Your graduation date is determined by your post-secondary institution and reported to the Ministry of Advanced Education to determine GRP eligibility. Contact your post-secondary institution if you have questions about your graduation date.

The amount you are eligible for is based on your program and the amount of tuition paid over the course of your studies.

  • The amount of tuition paid is indicated on your T2202 tax form issued by your post-secondary institution.
  • If you graduated from a Saskatchewan regional college, this form can be found in your Advanced Education Student Portal account.
Program Tuition Rebate Maximum 
1-year Certificate, Diploma or Journeyperson $3,600
2- or 3-year Certificate or Diploma $7,680
3-year Undergraduate Degree $18,000
4-year Undergraduate Degree $24,000

You Graduated Between October 1 and December 31, 2024

If your official graduation date is on or after October 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025, you are eligible to receive the GRP increase. Your graduation date is determined by your post-secondary institution and reported to the Ministry of Advanced Education to determine GRP eligibility. You can find your official graduation date listed on your GRP certificate.

Students who graduated within this timeframe will receive two GRP certificates:

  • The 2024 certificate will reflect the old GRP tax credit maximum. This certificate must be filed with your 2024 taxes.
  • Prior to the 2025 tax season, you will receive a second GRP certificate for the remaining amount you are eligible for. This second certificate must be filed with your 2025 taxes for you to receive the additional tax credit top-up.

You can find the total amount you may be eligible for based on your program in the eligibility section.

Graduation Date on or after January 1, 2025

If you are graduating on or after January 1, 2025, you will receive a GRP certificate for up to $24,000 after you graduate. The total amount you may be eligible for  is based on your credential.

Rebate Amount

The amount you are eligible for is based on your program and the amount of tuition paid over the course of your studies. The amount of tuition paid is indicated on your T2202 tax form issued by your post-secondary institution. If you graduated from a Saskatchewan regional college, this form can be found in your Advanced Education Student Portal account.

You may be eligible to receive the GRP for multiple credentials if you have not exceeded your eligible lifetime limit. For example, you may be eligible to claim GRP for both a one-year certificate and a four-year undergraduate degree. However, you would stop receiving the rebate once you’ve reached your lifetime limit.

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