Released on November 23, 2018
The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle R. Brass as a judge to the Provincial Court in Estevan.“Judge Brass is an outstanding appointment to the bench,” Justice Minister and Attorney General Don Morgan said. “From sharing her knowledge in the classroom, to providing advice to the ministry, she has made valuable contributions to the legal community in Saskatchewan and Canada for more than 20 years. Her knowledge, experience and skill will certainly enhance the judicial system in our province.”
Judge Brass received a law degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 1997. She began her career as a lawyer with the Ministry of Justice. She went on to work with Justice Canada, the Indian Specific Claims Commission, Saskatchewan Water Security Agency and most recently with her own practice, Brass Law Office.
Judge Brass is a Saulteaux woman from the Peepeekisis First Nation of the Treaty 4 Territory of Saskatchewan. She has significant insight and understanding of the cultural and legal jurisdictional differences between First Nations, provinces, Canada and other countries. She has taught at the Wiyasiwewin Mikiwahp Native Law Centre of the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan and has a desire to pass on her knowledge to others.
Judge Brass is replacing Judge Wiegers who is moving to the Provincial Court in Regina.
For more information, contact:
Drew Wilby
Phone: 306 787 5883