Released on February 23, 2018
Average weekly earnings in Saskatchewan were up 2.7 per cent year-over-year in December 2017, the second highest percentage increase among the provinces and ahead of the national increase of 2.3 per cent.Month-to-month, Saskatchewan led the country in growth with an increase of 1.6 per cent, above the national increase of 0.2 per cent.
“This is good news, not only for our economy, but for the hard working men and women in our province,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Strong growth in weekly earnings is important and will help retain and attract workers to Saskatchewan.”
December’s average weekly earnings were $1,033.57, third highest in the nation and above the national average of $992.87.
Industries with the highest year-over-year earnings growth rate were management of companies and enterprises (+20.9 per cent), accommodation and food services (+9.5 per cent) and construction (+7.8 per cent).
For more information, contact:
Deb Young
Phone: 306-787-4765