Released on May 26, 2016
The online big game draw system experienced high traffic volumes on the evening of Wednesday, May 25 and suffered an unexpected outage for several hours for both the Saskatchewan Big Game Draw and the Canadian Resident White-tail Deer draw. During the final day of the draw, the ministry successfully received more than 11,000 applications which is a significant increase compared to 7,000 on the final day in 2015. More than 85,000 applications have been received this year, up from 71,445 in 2015.
Due to the outage, the ministry is extending the Big Game Draw and the Canadian Resident White-tail Deer draws to midnight, Saskatchewan time, Tuesday, May 31 to ensure everyone who intended to apply for these draws are able to do so. Previously submitted applications may also be edited during this time should users wish to make changes.
The big game draw is an important part of Saskatchewan’s hunting community, and the ministry is working with Active Network, who administers the draw on the ministry’s behalf, to ensure measures are in place to prevent issues in the future. The ministry moved up the application period in 2016 to allow for results to be made available earlier for our customers. We continue to be committed to providing draw results in a timely manner and will provide results as soon as they become available despite the latest extension of the draw application period.
Clients who need help with their account or the draw application can contact the Active Network call centre at 1-855-848-4773, or a Ministry of Environment office.
For more information, contact:
Ron Podbielski
Phone: 306-787-6595