Released on May 3, 2016
In recognition of National Mental Health Week May 2-8, a community celebration marked significant construction progress of the new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford.“Mental Health Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge individuals and families who live with mental illness, as well as the significant efforts of those who work so tirelessly to provide high quality services to those affected,” Rural and Remote Heath Minister Greg Ottenbreit said. “It’s exciting to see the swift progress of construction on the new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford, a project that will truly enhance mental health services in our province.”
“Prairie North Health Region is thrilled to see the vision for this unique and innovative facility taking shape on the ground and rising into the air on the North Saskatchewan river-bank before us,” Prairie North Health Region Project Lead Derek Miller said. “Many stakeholders, including staff and patients, have worked tirelessly to achieve a design for the hospital that puts the patient first. As construction on the new hospital progresses, our commitment to our vision holds steadfast. We are pleased to be able to share this progress report today with our patients, staff, community and province.”
The new 284 bed Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford provincial psychiatric facility will have 188 beds replacing the current 156 bed rehabilitation hospital, and a 96 room secure unit for male and female offenders living with mental health issues. This is an innovative approach for delivering mental health care and supports to people with significant psychiatric rehabilitation needs.
Since construction on the new facility began in September 2015, bulk excavation, formwork, concrete work and backfill activities occurred during the winter months. Structural steel arrived on the site in March 2016 and steel erection has begun. The project is on schedule and on budget, for completion in spring 2018.
“We’re pleased to be partnering with the Government of Saskatchewan in delivering this important project to the community and people of Saskatchewan,” Access Prairies Partnership (APP) Board Member and Graham Vice President Matt Dekkers said. “We’re focused on delivering the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford on-time, on-budget, and continuing our long-term relationship with all our partners.”
APP is the consortium of companies including Graham that is designing, building, financing and maintaining the structure.
The provincial government is investing $407 million in this publicly-owned and operated facility. The total cost includes design, construction, finance, rehabilitation, and more than 30 years of maintenance to ensure it remains in like-new condition.
For more information, contact:
Tyler McMurchy
Phone: 306-787-4083
Linda Lewis
Prairie North Health Region
North Battleford
Phone: 306-446-6625
Orlene King
Access Prairies Partnership (APP)
Phone: 403-570-5021