Released on November 5, 2015
To date, twenty-seven Saskatchewan companies are working on the province’s largest schools build in history. Across five school divisions spanning Regina, Saskatoon, Martensville, and Warman, the $374 million construction project will see 18 new elementary schools open to students in September 2017.“Building 18 schools for more than 11,000 students at once is a huge undertaking, which is why we’re seeing so many local companies working together,” SaskBuilds Minister Gordon Wyant. “Our government pledged to continue investing in infrastructure and we’re seeing that pay off in new schools, new community and childcare spaces, and new jobs.”
Partnership with local businesses is one reason the schools project was recently honoured by the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships at their national awards. The project was awarded a silver medal in the Innovative Partnerships category in recognition of the collaboration between the provincial government, school boards, municipalities, First Nations, and the private sector that facilitated a project of this historical size.
“P3s have been successful around the country for many years now and have been successful in our community with both the Regina Revitalization Initiative as well as the Regina Wastewater Treatment Plant,” Regina & District Chamber of Commerce CEO John Hopkins said. “By utilizing P3s governments are able to invest more in our infrastructure, which not only creates jobs directly related to the project or projects but is also a catalyst for future investment and growth. Investing in our future today not only pays dividends today for taxpayers and local businesses but also into the future.”
“With low oil prices putting pressure on our industries, we appreciate that the government continues to invest in infrastructure,” North Saskatoon Business Association Executive Director Keith Moen said. “We know that only with a P3 could so much construction happen at one time – and from our perspective, it’s exactly the right time.”
Overall, it is estimated the schools project will create approximately 2300 jobs in Saskatchewan. The growing list of local companies now involved includes:
- Martensville – Innovative Piling Solutions for piling
- Regina – Anlin Welding for structural steel
- Regina – Ardel Steel for concrete reinforcement
- Regina – BL& Sons Construction Ltd. for concrete formwork
- Regina – Clifton Associates Ltd. for concrete, piling and backfilling operations inspections
- Regina – Double Star Drilling (1998) Ltd. for piling
- Regina – Nova Paving (Sask) Ltd. for pad prep (earthworks), utilities, asphalt paving, site concrete
- Regina – Raven Roofing (Sask) Ltd. for metal deck
- Regina – Smithbuilt Concrete, Framing & Construction Ltd. for concrete formwork
- Saskatoon– SMP Metals System Inc. for metal deck
- Saskatoon– Suer & Pollon Mechanical Partnership for site services
- Regina/Saskatoon – Lehigh Hanson Canada/Cindercrete for concrete supply
- Regina/Saskatoon - Loraas Disposal for waste removal
- Regina/Saskatoon - Pow City Mechanical for mechanical services
- Saskatoon – Atel Concrete Ltd. for concrete formwork
- Saskatoon – Brunner’s Construction for site services
- Saskatoon – Catterall & Wright Consulting Engineers for engineering services
- Saskatoon – DyMark Industries for structural steel
- Saskatoon – Elance Steel for structural steel
- Saskatoon – Garnett Industries Ltd. for site services
- Saskatoon – Globe Excavating (2008) for pad prep (earthworks) and site services
- Saskatoon – Hamm Construction Ltd. for site services
- Saskatoon – Maxies Excavating for pad prep (earthworks)
- Saskatoon - P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd. for concrete, piling and backfilling operations inspections
- Saskatoon – T&C Steel Ltd. Install for concrete reinforcement
- Saskatoon – Trinity Excavating Ltd. for pad prep (earthworks)
- Saskatoon – VCM Construction Ltd. for concrete formwork
For more information, contact:
Sarah Harrison
Phone: 306-798-1213