Released on August 5, 2015
The Government of Saskatchewan announced it is investing $1.88 billion to build the Regina Bypass, the largest infrastructure project in Saskatchewan’s history. This includes the cost of design, construction, finance, operations, and maintenance over the life of the contract in today’s dollars. By using a public-private partnership (P3) model the government will save $380 million, or 16.8 per cent.In recognition of the bypass’ important contribution to improving public safety and supporting continued economic growth in Saskatchewan, the Government of Canada, through PPP Canada, is investing up to $200 million in the project.
“The Regina Bypass will address safety needs on Highway 1 east of Regina, reduce congestion in and around the city and support economic growth throughout the region,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Nancy Heppner said. “We’re excited to see work underway on this historic project, which will see a dozen overpasses and about 40 kilometres of new twinned highway constructed far sooner than with a traditional approach.”
Site work has begun in preparation for construction of the publicly owned bypass to begin later this summer.
Construction will be complete in fall 2019 with some segments opening in advance of the full bypass completion.
Based on preliminary numbers, this project will have significant economic benefits for the province by creating 8,200 construction-related jobs in Saskatchewan.
“The P3 model will help us deliver this project on-time and on-budget in a timeframe that would otherwise not have been achievable through a traditional construction approach,” SaskBuilds Minister Gordon Wyant said. “We are pleased to be moving forward with the Regina Bypass Partners team to deliver this key public asset and to be saving a further $200 million with the federal government’s significant contribution.”
“The scope and delivery method for this project has created the opportunity to offer very good value to Saskatchewan," Graham Chief Financial Officer Tim Heavenor, who is also President of Regina Bypass Partners, the project delivery team. “Our integrated team combines the local knowledge, labor force and subcontractor relationships provided by Graham, Parsons and Carmack's with industry-leading expertise from Vinci."
Regina Bypass Partners (formerly Sasklink Global Transportation Partners) was selected to partner with the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to build the bypass after completing a two-staged transparent and competitive process.
SaskBuilds led an open, transparent, and fair procurement process that is monitored by an external Fairness Advisor.
For copies of the Fairness Advisor reports and more information on SaskBuilds, visit
With contract negotiations now complete, a detailed value for money report will be prepared and publicly released at the earliest opportunity.
For more information, contact:
Sarah Harrison
Phone: 306-798-1213
Steve Shaheen
Highways and Infrastructure
Phone: 306-527-8740
Orlene King
Regina Bypass Partners
Phone: 306-242-0605