Released on September 18, 2014
The province and its partners begin construction today on the new 225-bed Swift Current long-term care centre. Construction is scheduled to be completed by spring 2016.”We are excited to be breaking ground on this important project with the Cypress Health Region and our new partners – Plenary Health,” Premier Brad Wall said. “We are moving forward, on schedule, with our first public-private partnership project to be constructed. As a result of using a P3, we are saving taxpayers more than $16 million, which is a little more than 13 per cent, and providing additional value and innovation as well as creating jobs and economic prosperity in the local economy.”
“Our government is committed to the renewal of health care facilities in the province, for the benefit of Saskatchewan people,” Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. “This project is an excellent example of how our government is investing tremendous resources to ensure seniors are receiving quality care.”
“Today’s sod turning event marks another milestone in our process toward a new long-term care facility that will offer an enhanced living environment for our residents and their families,” Cypress Regional Health Authority Board Chair Tyler Bragg said. “Our staff have provided excellent long-term care programs and services in the three current facilities located in Swift Current, but the proposed designs for the new facility will allow them to offer an improved model of care that will meet today’s long-term care standards. Together with our local communities, we are excited about the future and can’t wait to continue our path toward construction of this new facility.”
“On behalf of the entire Plenary Health team, including Plenary Group, PCL Constructors and Johnson Controls, I am honoured to be here today to celebrate the beginning of construction on the new Swift Current long-term care centre,” Plenary Concessions Chair Dale Bonner said. “This marks the beginning of a long-term relationship with the province of Saskatchewan and the Cypress Regional Health Authority and we look forward to continuing to build on the great start to this relationship.”
“For those individuals that require the highest levels of care, it is really exciting to see this world-class facility coming to our region,” Swift Current Mayor Jerrod Schafer said. “Municipalities all have so much on our plates with our own infrastructure needs and confirming the 20 per cent local share takes a lot of hard work and a positive vision for the residents of our region over the long term. I’m really proud of the way municipalities are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and look forward to reaching to others to finalize the local share.”
In today’s dollars, the total investment is $108.5 million over the lifespan of the contract. This includes the cost of design, construction, finance and maintenance.
Together, the government and the region selected Plenary Health as the preferred proponent team after leading a two-staged transparent and competitive P3 selection process through SaskBuilds. The facility is a design-build-finance-maintain over 30 years following construction.
The new facility, which was a priority for the region, will replace three aged facilities: Swift Current Care Centre, Prairie Pioneers Lodge, and Palliser Regional Care Centre.
The region will maintain full ownership of the facility and will operate all aspects of the direct care provided within the facility. Existing health region staff will provide services for residents and maintain the provincial standards and guidelines that have been set for long-term care programs and services within the province.
SaskBuilds will release a value for money report and the project agreement (following Canadian best practice) in the coming weeks.
For more information, contact:
Sarah Harrison
Phone: 306-798-1213
Bryce Martin
Cypress Health Region
Swift Current
Phone: 306-778-5117
Tyler McMurchy
Phone: 306-787-4083
Olivia MacAngus
Plenary Group
Phone: 416-902-9695