Released on November 24, 2014
Applications are now being accepted under the Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component (PTIC) of the New Building Canada Fund (NBCF).
“The New Building Canada Fund will help advance key goals of the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth, as well as contribute to a higher quality of life for our residents,” Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter said. “This funding will support Saskatchewan communities in meeting some of their infrastructure challenges, and in order to get projects underway as soon as possible, we are starting the application process today.”
Over the next ten years, Saskatchewan will receive $436.7 million from the Government of Canada through PTIC. Of the $436.7 million, $196.5 million will go toward projects that are provincial in nature. The remaining $240.2 million will go toward all other eligible PTIC applicants, and will be funded one-third each by the federal government, the provincial government and other eligible recipients. The total federal/provincial funding that will be invested in Saskatchewan infrastructure will be more than $870 million.
"Cities, towns, and villages across Saskatchewan look forward to having this program ready to go for the 2015 building season,” Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association President Debra Button said. “SUMA particularly welcomes the province’s commitment to maximize the share of funding so we can build our communities, the social and economic heartbeat of our province.”
"We're pleased with the announcement made today,” Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Acting President Ray Orb said. "Rural municipalities will be looking to the PTIC for adequate, long-term, and predictable funding to construct and revitalize key pieces of infrastructure including regional water and sewer systems and economic corridors.”
PTIC provides funding for projects of national, regional and local significance with a focus on projects that support economic growth, a clean environment, stronger communities, growth in export and trade, as well as projects that meet the opportunities and challenges of growth. It is divided into two sub-components, the National and Regional Projects and the Small Communities Fund. Eligible recipients can apply to both funds using the same application form.
Applications must be received before noon on Monday, January 12, 2015, to be considered for the first intake of this ten-year program.
For more on how to apply to the NBCF, including information on criteria and eligibility, visit
For more information, contact:
Sarah Still
Government Relations
Phone: 306-787-2687