Released on May 15, 2014
The Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee and the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) have arrived at a tentative provincial collective bargaining agreement.The offer includes a total compensation increase of 7.3 per cent over four years as well as a $700 pro-rated payment in the first year. There will be funding for teachers in years three and four of the agreement in recognition of associated fees upon the establishment of a new teacher regulatory and disciplinary body in Saskatchewan.
“The Saskatchewan School Boards Association and government representatives have worked hard on this agreement with the STF,” Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee spokesperson Connie Bailey said. “We are hopeful that this agreement will be ratified by the parties involved.”
The agreement deals with articles that are required by legislation to be bargained provincially by the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee and the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation. A commitment has also been made to address other important matters that fall outside of the agreement and bargaining process, including issues such as student and teacher time and developing a common understanding of the expectations put upon teachers.
For more information, contact:
Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee
Phone: 306-787-1069
Cell: 306-533-7506