Released on May 5, 2014
Today marks the beginning of Responsible Gambling Awareness Week at Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw.“Responsible Gambling Awareness Week offers Saskatchewan people the opportunity to learn more about the casino environment so they can make informed, responsible choices,” Minister responsible for SaskGaming Don McMorris said. “SaskGaming is mandated to offer casino gaming in a socially responsible manner. Along with a comprehensive responsible gaming program, the events this week help to ensure that the corporation delivers on that mandate.”
From May 5 to 9, Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw will host a series of fun and educational events. Guests will have the opportunity to learn how casino games work, the odds of winning and losing, and myths about gambling.
“We take our commitment to responsible gaming very seriously,” SaskGaming President and CEO Twyla Meredith said. “We’ve made great strides in this area in the past year with the introduction of the GameSense program and by earning RG Check accreditation through the Responsible Gambling Council. Responsible Gambling Awareness Week is a great time to celebrate these successes and to increase awareness of the responsible gaming tools and supports available in our casinos.”
SaskGaming’s responsible gaming program includes mandatory responsible gaming training for all employees, GameSense Information Centres and Kiosks on the gaming floor at Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw, GameSense advisors who are specially-trained to interact with guests on responsible gambling issues, a voluntary self-exclusion program which allows players to exclude themselves from casinos in Saskatchewan for a specified period of time, and licence plate recognition technology to detect and deter excluded patrons.
For more information, contact:
Rachel Molnar
Phone: 306-798-0990