Released on July 7, 2014
Today Premier Brad Wall announced that six regional flood recovery centres would open in flood affected areas of the province.“The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to providing the necessary resources to assist the people of this province as we deal with unprecedented flooding,” Wall said. “These regional flood recovery centres are a one-stop point of access for those needing assistance.”
The Premier made the announcement during his second tour of flood-impacted communities.
Centres will open in Carnduff, Moosomin, Grenfell, Esterhazy, Balcarres, and Yorkton.
Each centre will include representatives from:
- The Canadian Red Cross;
- Samaritan’s Purse Canada;
- Emergency Management and Fire Safety;
- Building Standards;
- the ministries of Government Relations, Social Services, Health, Agriculture;
- SaskEnergy;
- SaskPower;
- Water Security Agency;
- Environmental and Municipal Management services;
- the Emergency Flood Reduction Damage Program; and
- the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP).
The province will also have teams to assist smaller communities surrounding the recovery centres to ensure they receive required services.
“Staff from the PDAP and a number of other essential ministries and agencies will be on hand at each centre to help Saskatchewan residents through every step of the recovery process,” Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter said. “They will be able to provide information on who qualifies for coverage, what they might be entitled to, and how to fill out the necessary paperwork.”
For further information, please visit the Government of Saskatchewan flood response page at
For more information, contact:
Jay Teneycke
Government Relations
Phone: 306-798-6095