Ministry of Environment

The Ministry of Environment provides science-based solutions, compliance and mitigation measures aimed at protecting the environment, safeguarding communities and helping to ensure balanced economic growth and a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan residents.
1. Information you might be looking for
Get information to purchase a hunting or trapping licence. Download the Hunters' and Trappers' Guide and supplements. Apply for a Draw or get findings on the most current hunter harvest survey.
Get information to purchase an angling licence. Download the Anglers' Guide. Learn about aquatic invasive species and learn about fisheries management and research.
Report Hazardous Spills
Report a spill, submit a 30-day written spill report, or search for hazardous facilities or past spill information.
Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP)
Contact our 24-hour, seven-day-a-week TIPP service if you notice any fishing, wildlife, or environmental resource violations.
Licensing and Permitting
Access ministry permit and licence applications such as Sale of Wildlife, Mount and Retain, Crown Land Disposition and Competitive Fishing Event applications.
Access government maps and web mapping applications such as HABISask, Saskatchewan Interactive, and wildlife management zones.
Office Locations
Find the Ministry of Environment offices nearest to you.
2. Plans and annual reports
Plan for 2025-26
The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.
For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.
Annual Reports
The Ministry of Environment's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.
Previous fiscal year annual reports can be found by visiting Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.
3. Programs and services
Access Environment Business Services
Create an account to submit notifications, permit applications and reports to Ministry of Environment. View and manage your work.
Hunting, Trapping and Angling
Purchase a licence. Apply for a draw or permit. Download guides and supplements. Learn about our hunting and wildlife surveys. Apply for funding. Get information on fish populations and management.
Hazardous Materials and Safe Waste Management
Report a spill or search for hazardous substance storage facilities or past spills. Find information on hazardous materials storage, hazardous waste and solid waste management.
Saskatchewan Waste Management
Learn how you can do your part by reducing waste and recycling.
Environmental Assessment
Find out if your project needs an assessment, what the process is, and apply if necessary.
Environmental Code
Learn about code chapters, standards and legislation, or submit an application to be designated as a qualified person to ensure code compliance.
Industrial Activities
Learn how the province protects the environment by supporting sound industrial activities.
Invasive Species
Invasive species can be intentionally introduced or unintentionally spread through recreational activities such as boating, hiking, fishing, transporting firewood, shipping materials, ballast water discharge and more.
Mineral Permits
Apply for permits for mining initiatives or projects in Saskatchewan.
Outdoor Air Quality
Get details on air quality monitoring, current readings in your community and the potential impacts from pollutants and vehicle emissions.
Forest Management
Learn about Saskatchewan's well-established forest industry. Download field guides and reports. Find out about forest management, planning and licensing. Get information about forest insects and diseases.
Land Management
Learn more on the province's land use planning and our Protected and Conserved areas network. Find out how to arrange for a conservation easement.
Crown Lands
Learn about Saskatchewan's Southern Conservation Land Management Strategy.
Purchase Crown Resource Land
Submit an application to purchase crown resource lands, which may be used under a lease, permit, easement or licence that allow the legal use of land.
Lease Crown Resource Land
Submit an application to lease Crown resource lands, which may be used under a lease, permit, easement or licence that allow the legal use of the land.
Wildlife Conservation
Learn about species at risk in Saskatchewan. Apply for a research permit to conduct surveys, research, or other activities to observe wildlife for scientific, academic or commercial activities.
Wildlife Issues
Learn what you can do if you are experiencing problems with wildlife, report fish and wildlife diseases, and find out how the province is addressing invasive species.
Guiding and Outfitting in Saskatchewan
Become a guide or outfitter in Saskatchewan. Apply or surrender an outfitter's licence.
Climate Resilience in Saskatchewan
Learn about Saskatchewan's climate change initiatives.
5. Forms and publications
Hunters and Trappers Guide
Learn what's new, licence fees, regulation summaries, wildlife zones and more. The guide is also available in French through the Publication Centre.
Anglers Guide
This guide provides an up-to-date synopsis of the limits, season dates, closed waters, regulations, new programs and other relevant information.
State of the Environment Report
Learn more about government's measurement of air, habitat, land and water.
You can find all publications for this ministry in the Publications Centre.
6. Legislation
The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Environment and are available in PDF format. The links below are provided with the consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Freelaw website. To order or subscribe, please visit the Freelaw website.
The Conservation Easements Act
Encourages private landowners, conservation organizations and governments to protect ecologically sensitive lands and natural areas through voluntary agreements.
The Ecological Reserves Act
Protects unique, natural ecosystems and landscape features through the designation of Crown land as ecological reserves.
The Environmental Assessment Act
Provides a practical means to ensure that development proceeds with adequate environmental safeguards and in a manner broadly understood by and acceptable to the public through the integrated assessment of environmental impact.
The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010
Protects the air, land and water resources of the province through regulating and controlling potentially harmful activities and substances.
The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994
Enables sustainable management of fisheries resources by affirming provincial ownership of fish, creating a provincial licensing system, and regulating allocation of fish resources, fish marketing, aquaculture, sport fishing and commercial fishing.
The Forestry Professions Act
Establishes the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals, an organization independent of government and industry, responsible for ensuring that its members maintain required standards for competency and conduct.
The Forest Resources Management Act
Allows the ministry to implement a framework for sustainable management of Saskatchewan's forest resources.
The Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Heritage Act
Respects hunting, fishing and trapping best traditions as an important part of shaping Saskatchewan’s social, cultural and economic heritage.
The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act
An Act respecting the management and reduction of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change.
The Natural Resources Act
(subject to OC 208/96) Establishes the province's mandate to manage, protect, conserve and develop renewable resources in a sustainable manner.
The Protection of the Wild Ponies of the Bronson Forest Act
Protects the wild ponies of the Bronson Forest Recreation site in Whelan, Saskatchewan.
The Provincial Lands Act
Creates authority for the management and transfer of Crown lands.
The Sale or Lease of Certain Lands Act
Gives Cabinet the ability to place conditions on the transfer or lease of lands listed in a schedule to this Act.
The Wildlife Act, 1998
Provides for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife resources through the issuance and revocation of licences, the prosecution of wildlife offences and the establishment of annual hunting seasons.
The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act
Provides for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife lands and wildlife by preventing the sale and alteration of certain Crown lands.
7. News releases
Read the ministry's most recent news releases
Don't Prune Elms from April 1 to August 31
The annual ban on pruning elm trees in Saskatchewan begins April 1 and runs until August 31. The ban is in place to help stop the spread of Dutch...
Conservation, Resilience and Economic Growth: Ministry of Environment's 2025-26 Budget
The Ministry of Environment's 2025-26 Budget reflects government's commitment to protecting Saskatchewan's environment while fostering economic...
Saskatchewan to Support Municipalities in Addressing Derelict Buildings
The Government of Saskatchewan is developing a pilot framework that would allow participating municipalities to work with volunteer fire...
Celebrate Family Day Weekend with Free Fishing February 15-17
This Family Day weekend, why not get out on the ice and go fishing? It's the perfect way to enjoy some family fun outside and the best part is - no...
No Invasive Mussels Found in Saskatchewan Waters in 2024
Good news from the Ministry of Environment's aquatic invasive species (AIS) monitoring program: in 2024, no invasive zebra or quagga mussels or...